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Swift Navigation kicks off 2020 with precision and partnerships

logoSwift ​​Navigation​, ​​a firm specializing in GNSS positioning technology for autonomous vehicles, looks back on a year of progress in 2019 and forward to what’s ahead in 2020.

2019 highlights include the expansion of operations to Australia, continued Firmware Releases to improve Swift’s multi-band, multi-constellation GNSS receivers, the expansion of Skylark cloud corrections service across the United States and announcing a partnership with Arm to bring precise positioning technology to autonomous vehicle compute platforms.

While Swift is proud of these accomplishments, the company is most excited about its shift from a company providing RTK GNSS receivers to one that provides a full ecosystem of precise positioning GNSS solutions for autonomous and mass-market applications.

Swift has made it possible for customers and partners alike to incorporate Swift’s patented technology into a multitude of autonomous platforms.

From the receiver-agnostic Starling positioning engine that enables the accuracy of Swift GNSS receivers and opens it up for industry use, to cloud-based corrections delivered nationwide with Skylark, Swift is poised to bring precise positioning to those who can benefit from centimeter-level location accuracy the most — autonomous platforms and applications.

While Skylark and Starling work independently with many leading industry components and receivers, it is the two paired together that makes the precise positioning powerhouse that will make 2020 a pivotal year for Swift.

At this year’s CES, the following Swift partners and customers are showcasing how they are integrating Swift’s precision positioning solutions in their platforms:

See Swift in action at the CES locations above or contact the Swift team at sales@swiftnav.com to schedule a meeting.

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