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Swift Navigation honored with fleet management award

Swift Navigation logoSwift Navigation has been named Fleet Management Technology Company of the Year in the second annual AutoTech Breakthrough Awards conducted by AutoTech Breakthrough.

AutoTech Breakthrough is a market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global automotive and transportation technology markets.

Swift offers a highly-accurate, highly-reliable precise positioning solution that improves the operational efficiency of commercial transport, long-haul trucking and last-mile delivery, whether human-driven or autonomous. Swift’s fleet management precise positioning solution is comprised of the Skylark precise positioning service—delivering continent-wide, cloud-based corrections service — and the receiver-agnostic Starling positioning engine, which works with a variety of automotive-grade GNSS chipsets and inertial sensors, making centimeter-level GNSS accuracy a possibility without the cost of all new equipment.

Swift’s precise positioning solution delivers improved GNSS accuracy to make it easier to enable key fleet management capabilities such as lane-level analytics, route optimization and accurate traffic flow analytics to improve operational efficiency.

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