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Septentrio’s AsteRx SBi3 enables XenomatiX lidar 3D mapping

AsteRx SBi3 enables highly accurate and reliable 3D mapping solutions based on sensor fusion with lidar

The AsteRx-i3 Pro+ in a rugged housing. (Photo: Septentrio)

The AsteRx-SBi3 Pro+ in a rugged housing. (Photo: Septentrio)

Septentrio, a leader in high-precision GNSS/INS positioning solutions, and XenomatiX, provider of true solid-state lidar technology for autonomous applications and road management solutions, are starting a partnership enabling high-quality lidar solutions.

XenomatiX will be using the compact and robust GNSS/INS receiver from Septentrio, AsteRx SBi3 Pro+, to provide analysis of pavement conditions using geolocated with millimeter accuracy.

Septentrio’s high-quality GNSS/INS will be a part of Xenomatix’ road lidar XenoTrack, used by road surveyors and road management companies. Septentrio’s AsteRx SBi3, a high-performance RTK GNSS/INS receiver with a dual-antenna setup, ensures centimeter-accurate geotagging of the XenoTrack point-cloud frames for relative and global millimeter accuracy over large distances.

Moreover, the GNSS/inertial measurement unit (IMU) integration algorithm enables dead reckoning — continuous positioning in environments of low satellite visibility where GNSS outages occur.

While traditional road scanning based on laser profilers rely solely on extremely accurate GNSS/inertial navigation system (INS) to stitch consecutive profiles together, the XenoTrack captures a 3D topography of an entire area in a single shot. The XenomatiX sensor-fusion algorithms combine visual SLAM techniques with GNSS, IMU and CAN to obtain a seamless map of the road shape.

Septentrio’s proprietary GNSS+ technology plays a key role in delivering the accuracy and reliability needed for XenoTrack. The company’s AIM+ advanced interference mitigation technology ensures robust positioning even in the presence of a jammers, which may be aboard vehicles trying to avoid road tolling. When the sky is obstructed for an extended period, the built-in RAIM+ integrity algorithm serves as an indicator of when it is best to give priority to other sensor inputs to maintain a high-quality solution.

XenomatiX offers a complete mapping system as well as services including data from the XenoTrack sensor, camera and real-time kinematic GNSS/INS receiver with dual antenna in an easy-to-install solution on a standard vehicle.

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