Mätfokus – Maetfokus

Say hello to the QHackFriday

Dear Community,

2020, as we all know, has been a special year and among plenty other issues we had to cancel all our beloved hackfests. Since we first started holding bi-annual hackfests in 2009, it will be the first time without an event where our friendly community can meet. 

First hackfest in Hannover 2009 (https://www.umwelt.uni-hannover.de/qgis.html)

That can’t be! We are a modern and thriving community based on exchange, discussion and collaboration and should foster this even when physical meetings are not possible.

I’m super excited to announce that after some very motivating discussions on the HackFest telegram channel and in the PSC, starting from next week on every last Friday of each month we will hold an informal online virtual meeting to hack around, document, discuss and in general meet the awesome QGIS community. 

First QGIS User Conference in Nødebo 2015 (https://qgis2015.wordpress.com)

There will normally be no formal agenda, no fixed schedule nor moderators, simply join the QHackFriday (pronounced KwakFriday) jitsi room and say hi! 

I added a page to the wiki, so if you have topics that you like to discuss/present you can put them there and others might join you. 

Stay safe and see you next Friday!

Nyhet från QGIS, orginal inlägg

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