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Racelogic announces Galileo update for SatGen software

Image: Racelogic

Image: Racelogic

Racelogic Ltd., experts in the field of GPS testing and data logging, has announced the latest update to its SatGen GNSS simulation software for PC, which now incorporates Galileo RF simulation.

Designed to create a GNSS RF I&Q or IF data file based on a user-generated trajectory file, the updated software can now accurately simulate the European Galileo GNSS satellite constellation alongside existing GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou RF signal generation.

The full range of Galileo frequencies that SatGen can simulate are Galileo E1 B/C, E5a, E5b and E6 B/C (see below for details).

SatGen 3.11.39 Galileo simulated RF frequencies

Galileo E1 B/C. Transmitted by all Galileo satellites on the E1 (1575.42 MHz) frequency, same as GPS L1. Standard precision Open Service signal consisting of Data component B and Pilot component C.

Galileo E5a. Transmitted by all Galileo satellites on the E5a (1176.45 MHz) frequency, same as GPS L5. Open Service signal consisting of Data component I with the F/NAV navigation message and Pilot component Q. Intended to be used together with E1 B/C to improve accuracy.

Galileo E5b. Transmitted by all Galileo satellites on the E5b (1207.14 MHz) frequency, same as BeiDou B2. Open Service signal consisting of Data component I with the I/NAV navigation message and Pilot component Q. Intended to be used together with E1 B/C to improve accuracy.

Galileo E6 B/C. Transmitted by all Galileo satellites on the E6 (1278.75 MHz) frequency. High accuracy Commercial Service signal consisting of Data component B and Pilot component C. Because the content of the C/NAV navigation message is encrypted, SatGen transmits a dummy navigation message, which should be accepted by all receivers.

“Given the vast improvements in navigation and timing that Galileo has brought to its global users, we extremely excited to be releasing a version of SatGen that allows engineers to generate Galileo-specific scenarios for their test procedures,” said Mark Sampson, LabSat product manager.

Other changes to the software include various user interface tweaks, performance optimization and fixes.

For more information on SatGen, contact Katie Harland or call Racelogic LabSat at +44 1280 823 803.

SatGen simulation software now features Galileo RF simulation from Racelogic VBOX on Vimeo.

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