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Trimble sets climate goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Image: Sakorn Sukkasemsakorn/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Image: Sakorn Sukkasemsakorn/ iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Trimble is committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement and a net-zero future to keep global temperature increase to 1.5° C.

Trimble received approval of its emissions reduction targets by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a coalition of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature, joining a growing number of companies taking urgent action on climate change.

“Taking decisive climate action is essential to protect our planet and communities for future generations,” said Rob Painter, president and CEO, Trimble. “It also demonstrates Trimble’s commitment to our purpose — to transform the way the world works as well as transform the way ‘we’ work.”

“For decades, Trimble solutions have contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change,” Painter said. “The nature of Trimble’s technologies, which connect the physical and digital worlds, provides efficiencies and promotes sustainability in our end markets such as construction, agriculture, forestry, utilities and transportation. Our leadership team is committed to further reducing our carbon footprint as well as continuing to develop solutions that enable our customers to reduce their climate impacts — it is an important lever in our Connect and Scale strategy. Trimble is dedicated to do its part to help protect and build a better world.”

Trimble’s science-based targets accelerate decarbonization across its value chain, and include the following commitments:

  • reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 from a 2019 base year
  • achieve 100 percent annual sourcing of renewable electricity by 2025
  • reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from fuel and energy-related activities, business travel and upstream transportation and distribution by 50 percent by 2030 from a 2019 base year
  • commit to partner with 70 percent of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services and capital goods to set science-based targets by 2026.

This decade is considered the decisive one for climate change. As part of answering this urgent call to action, Trimble has joined forces with other companies and climate leaders in the Business Ambition for 1.5° C campaign, the We Mean Business Coalition and the Race to Zero Campaign.

“Setting ambitious yet achievable climate targets is part of our commitment to reducing Trimble’s carbon footprint,” said Leah Lambertson, senior vice president and head of Sustainability, Trimble. “Embedding our climate action goals into Trimble’s operational choices will help ensure that our decision making and growth plans are consistent with our low-carbon vision. Today’s commitments are important steps in our journey to delivering growth in a responsible and sustainable way to achieve a net-zero future.”

Trimble’s 2021 Sustainability Report

Trimble also announced the release of its 2021 Sustainability Report. Built around the company’s mission of transforming the way the world works, the report describes how Trimble is helping to create a better future for the planet and the communities it serves.

The report summarizes its initiatives and performance across environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics, highlighting the company’s sustainability approach; end-user industry solutions; community philanthropy through its Trimble Foundation Fund; employee engagement and development as well as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives; and governance.

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Research Roundup: Mitigating GNSS interference

Photo: traveler1116/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: traveler1116/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

GNSS researchers are presenting hundreds of papers at the 2022 Institute of Navigation (ION) GNSS+ conference, taking place Sept. 19–23 in Denver, Colorado, and virtually. The following five papers focus on GNSS receiver technology and interference mitigation. The papers will be available at


Conference Presentation: Sept. 23, 1:50 p.m.; Session F6

The growing dependence of critical and safety-of-life systems on GNSS makes the ability to rapidly detect and localize the presence of GNSS interference events increasingly important. Ground-based GNSS jammer detection can be used to detect local interference sources. However, this approach is limited by line of sight, hence applying it to large areas is costly in both time and money.

A complementary technique is to use the airborne GNSS receiver data provided by Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS-B). As these receivers are at altitude, their lines of sight can cover a wide area. The drawback is that ADS-B was not designed for this purpose, and the messages contain limited information for the assessment of interference.

The authors have developed and will demonstrate an algorithm for real-time detection and localization of GNSS interference sources using ADS-B transmissions on the 1090 MHz (Mode S ES) radio frequency channel. They demonstrate this capability using recorded ADS-B transmissions from known interference events.

Zixi Liu, Sherman Lo, Todd Walter, Juan Blanch, Stanford University; “Real-time Detection and Localization of GNSS Interference Source.”


Conference Presentation: Sept. 23, 4:04 p.m.; Session F6

Even interference at low levels can be catastrophic to systems that depend on GNSS. It can prevent GNSS signals from reaching the user (interference or jamming) or give false signals, resulting in an incorrect position and time solution (spoofing). The capability to confidently detect and localize interference quickly could help mitigate this threat. Furthermore, if the system could also provide information characterizing the interference, it could help law enforcement not only interdict, but also prosecute the threat.

Building a consumer-level commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) GNSS monitor would also make it cost effective for widespread utilization. This paper describes the development and field testing of a system to provide this capability.
The monitor uses the u-blox F9, an inexpensive commercial receiver offering multi-constellation and dual-frequency position and time solutions, as well as powerful interference-detection metrics. Initial analysis of the receiver’s measurement capabilities determined that it provides many features useful for assessing the operational environment across a geographical region. Performance and output of the receiver is characterized under different jamming and spoofing scenarios.

Different receivers and antennas may react differently based on both hardware and software configurations and offer the user varying interference rejection techniques and detection metrics. As a result, it is important to gain a good understanding of the receiver’s behavior. Another way to test behavior is to examine its performance in nominal conditions in various scenarios and locations, as presented in this paper.

Benon Gattis, Dennis Akos, University of Colorado Boulder; Yu-Hsuan Chen, Sherman Lo, Todd Walter, Stanford University; “Test and Measurements from a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Monitoring System.”


Conference Presentation: Virtual; Session F6

With the availability of RAW GNSS measurements on Android smartphones, detecting GNSS interference using modern handsets has become a realistic crowdsourcing possibility, especially with the inclusion of automatic gain control (AGC) in Android 8 (Oreo).

While crowdsourcing jamming detection — and knowing whether your smartphone is subject to jamming or spoofing  — is valuable, locating the interference source may be even more important. This work explores the feasibility of crowdsourcing interference source localization with modern Android smartphones.

The work has three goals:

  • To examine localization of a civilian-type GPS L1 jammer using a network of smartphones
  • To investigate how best to approach current obstacles regarding such localization
  • To estimate how accurate this type of positioning can be.

An important part of this work is to investigate differences in GNSS data reported by various Android smartphones. The smartphones in this study were specifically selected by the manufacturer of the GNSS chipset to enable the authors to examine how their GNSS receivers perform under the same circumstances. Three parameters were specifically investigated as measures of received jamming power: carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N0), AGC and the number of tracked satellites.

The selected smartphones were put through a series of tests to examine how these three parameters vary with changing conditions. These tests include subjecting the smartphones to an actual jammer in a controlled lab setup and an investigation of the impact of smartphone (GNSS antenna) position and orientation on C/N0 and AGC. Using the data collected in these tests, several interference geolocation strategies will be discussed.

The authors also consider whether interference localization from consumer-off-the-shelf (COTS) smartphones is currently accurate enough for this use. The shortcomings of smartphone GNSS hardware may be resolved using more clever positioning strategies such as using a larger number of handsets. Alternatively, it may require upgraded hardware and standardization.

Søren Skaarup Larsen, Daniel Haugård Olesen, Anna B. O. Jensen, Lars Stenseng, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Space; “Assessment of RFI Geolocation Using Modern Android Smartphones.”


Conference Presentation: Sep. 21, 4 p.m.; Session F2

Multipath mitigation with machine learning relies on offline training with an exhaustive number of labeled observations. Current super-resolution correlation methods, which include MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC), operate online by testing and choosing from a high number of candidate signal hypotheses.

A new method of MUSIC is presented that reduces numerical complexity and is applied to processing L5 correlation vectors to reduce multipath by identifying the earliest path. The rank of this estimator is examined in static and dynamic conditions in various signal environments. Higher rank allows more signal paths to be identified.

This method is also complementary with various L5 signal-tracking methods such as open- and closed-loop tracking.

Paul McBurney, Norman Krasner, Florean Curticapean, Miguel Ribot, Mahdi Maaref and Lionel Garin, OneNav; “Application of Super Resolution Correlation to Multipath Mitigation in an L5 Channel.”


Conference Presentation: Sep. 22, 11:03 a.m.: Session F3

One of the simplest ways to increase GNSS anti-jamming and anti-spoofing (AJ/AS) performance is increasing the number of controlled reception pattern antenna (CRPA) array elements. However, this increases the size, cost, complexity and required processing power of the overall system. To counter this constraint, the researchers applied a new development in antenna hardware design to GNSS threat mitigation techniques. This resulted in better CRPA performance without increasing the footprint. The work improves AJ/AS performance without adding additional elements, and serves as proof of concept of the application of an adaptively spaced virtual array created with multimodal elements to GNSS AJ/AS.

New breakthroughs in antenna-array research extend the case of non-uniform excitation of elements to the elements’ individual positions. By using multimodal antennas as elements, it has been shown that elements’ phase centers, or perceived locations, can be adjusted with purely electronic means. When applied to each element in an antenna array, this realizes a reconfigurable array.

This research extends the concept of a virtual array with adaptive inter-element spacing into GNSS AJ/AJ methods. A new way to integrate a virtual array into a GNSS application is explored and incorporated into current space-time adaptive processing (STAP) algorithms.

Gabriel Wiggins and Scott Martin, Auburn University; “Applications of a Virtual Antenna Array to GNSS Threat Mitigation: First Results.”

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Can smart grids be protected from PNT cyberattacks?

Nino De Falcis

Nino De Falcis

By Nino De Falcis, Senior Director of Business Development, ADVA

Today’s critical network infrastructure is heavily reliant on positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services. Power grids, financial markets, transportation, data centers, communications — all have become more complex and interconnected, while the threats to the PNT on which they depend have grown in frequency and sophistication. PNT systems are so vulnerable to the activities of cybercriminals that attacks may soon become global in scale and significance, with potential costs of billions of dollars.

Utilities are a key example of infrastructure at risk. In the past, power networks were passive systems with everything simple and centralized, and with energy flowing in one direction only as AC power was provided to consumers. However, the growth in renewables and distributed energy resources has spurred diversification of the market, and a new paradigm of bidirectional AD and DC energy production and distribution has emerged: the smart grid.

Timing Challenges

Today, many smaller producers are generating power from multiple sources. The power grid has become a decentralized system and the flow of energy is now bidirectional. Energy from solar panels (microgrids), for example, can be generated by private individuals and either stored or fed back into the grid. Electric vehicles (EVs) are also becoming more common, and like all other nodes across the smart grid, charging points require precise timestamping of the massive amount of data they generate to balance power demand and supply.

Precise timing is also key to rerouting power flows away from transmission outages, to locating power line faults, and for synchronizing distributed control and protection systems. Without highly accurate timing and synchronization, power grids are vulnerable to partial outages and even complete blackouts.

That is why accuracy requirements of data timestamping are tighter than ever. In fact, they are shifting from legacy Network Timing Protocol (NTP) timestamping, which has millisecond accuracy needs, to Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) timestamping, requiring sub-microsecond accuracy. The syncrophaser now demands accuracy better than 1 microsecond.

For fault location, we’re now at 100 nanoseconds. The micro-phasor measurement unit (PMU) is at less than 1 microsecond and substation LAN communication protocols have to be time-stamped at as low as 100 microseconds for GOOSE IEC 61850 and at 1 microsecond for IEC 61850 sample values. This is a big change from just five years ago when accuracy in all these categories was firmly in the millisecond range, and it’s a high bar that needs to be maintained by next-generation redundant systems, should GPS or ground-based timing become compromised.

Photo: solarseven/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: solarseven/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

New Standards

Guidelines for making PNT infrastructure fully redundant are being pushed by governments across the world. In the United States, regulations are being driven by Executive Order 13905 with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) providing a framework for how assured PNT (aPNT) should operate. It states that PNT infrastructure must perform three core functions: prevent, respond and recover. Infrastructure must have the ability to prevent atypical PNT errors and corruption of PNT sources. If prevention fails, networks must be able to respond to detected errors or anomalies and then recover from those errors.

The DHS framework outlines four resiliency levels. Level 1 has only one source providing PNT, while level 4 is a next-generation system leveraging multiple sources to derive and distribute PNT data. At Level 4, systems need to be self-survivable. This means they must function for long periods in the absence of a GPS timing source, or when ground-based timing sources have been otherwise compromised. There is even an IEEE P1952 resilient PNT standard in progress that will use this DHS framework.

Rising Threats

There are two categories of threat to PNT: external and internal. External threats include jamming (equipment that can block GPS is available off the shelf for as little as $20) and spoofing, which is the act of transmitting false GPS signals that trick receivers into calculating an erroneous position. Sophisticated cyberattacks can be in the form of either of these and spoofing (especially synchronous) is the most complex to detect.

The two main internal PNT threats come from attacks on NTP and PTP network timing as well as active GPS receivers connected to the network.

Legacy power grids have traditionally used NTP to distribute timing to substations, including IRIG, and this has already shown itself to be vulnerable to attack because it can be hacked by a process called NTP amplification.

Today, power grids are increasingly migrating to PTP because it provides the sub-microsecond accuracy needed for modern applications. PTP also has not yet been hacked, but that does not mean it soon will not be. If an attack did occur on ill-prepared critical infrastructure, the results could be catastrophic.

Secure Smart Grid Timing Components

There are two components in the smart grid: telecom connectivity to transport data, and grid protection that has different level generation grid control, transmission and management. On the telecom side, there is the edge telecom network and sometimes there are data centers. There are either core or edge data centers and these are also equipped with very good timing. A key concept in the data center is time as a service and GPS backup as a service when GPS goes down. The smart grid can also leverage this service as it gives even more robust protection and security against threats to PNT. See Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. A key concept in the data center is time as a service. (Image: ADVA)

Diagram 1. A key concept in the data center is time as a service. (Image: ADVA)

A Resilient and Assured PNT Solution

As with other aspects of cybersecurity strategy, smart grids must employ a zero-trust framework of PNT sources. This approach never assumes that any one PNT source can be trusted. Instead, it uses a multi-source approach, verifying sources and comparing them to each other in real time to get the most accurate timing possible.
To prevent and mitigate interruptions to GPS, smart grid operators should deploy a resilient and assured PNT solution. This means it’s based around three integrated technologies: multi-layer detection, multi-source backup and multi-level fault-tolerant mitigation.

Multi-layer detection is performed through timing devices – either single or redundant – that have jamming and spoofing detection and monitoring capabilities. GNSS devices are also capable of comparing sources such as network PTP timing and they can be equipped with standalone, GNSS-backup clocks that leverage rubidium or cesium oscillators to obtain the most reliable timing information from other timing sources in the network.

Multi-source backup comes in the form of a cesium or rubidium oscillator that can provide extended holdover. Backup can be further bolstered with other sources such as eLORAN, NIST and LEO.

A neural network management system is an intelligent platform that ties everything together, from self-actionable recovery and assurance software to alerting users of issues in the network-wide timing infrastructure. It provides visibility and control of all aspects of prevention, mitigation and backup. The management system gives detailed operational data on the smart grid, showing the locations of the faults, the types of faults, and how PTP backup assurance is performing. Through capabilities powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, the management and control system provides the end-to-end control, visibility, and trusted, assured PNT. It has all the intelligence to reveal threats and also take action against them, quickly recovering the network’s timing distribution capability, while keeping the network timing self-survivable. See Diagram 2.

Diagram 2. Defending against PNT cyberthreats requires integrating multiple PNT technologies. (Diagram: ADVA)

Diagram 2. Defending against PNT cyberthreats requires integrating multiple PNT technologies. (Image: ADVA)

Mitigating Cyberattacks with a Defense-in-Depth Approach

So, let us imagine there is a major attack on a smart grid. A jamming device has been used to block GPS reception on an edge grandmaster being used at a substation, while at the core of the network an ePRTC’s ability to receive GNSS signals has also been compromised. GPS is no longer viable as a source for timing in the smart grid.

The intelligent software monitoring and management system is the first line of defense, detecting and alerting operators to the two or more attacks on GPS: one at the core of the network and one at the substation. The network timing capability of the whole smart grid has been compromised.

Upstream from the substation, the core enhanced PRTC (ePRTC) has become an unreliable source of timing. However, it is equipped with a cesium clock that steps in to propagate trusted PNT backup into the substation and throughout the rest of the network. The cesium clock has no antenna, no RH signal, and is a stratum 1 clock that can propagate highly accurate timing (accurate to 1 microsecond over four months) throughout the network. It has now become the trusted source of timing until GPS can be re-established.

Photo: Thossaphol/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: Thossaphol/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Time for Multi-Source Protection

The most crucial element of PNT is timing. Without timing there is no positioning or navigation — it is the enabler of both — and so the distribution of accurate timing must be our top concern when we build systems.

For smart grids and all other critical infrastructure dependent on PNT to function, the cornerstone for secure and self-survivable timing networks is the concept of zero-trust. A multi-source approach to building timing networks will allow operators of critical infrastructure to leverage a combination of intelligent management software and timing devices equipped with adequate PTP holdover to respond to all threats to PNT.

To see a real-world example of this approach in action, check out the DOE DarkNet program.

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Seen & Heard: Singapore crashes, BeiDou’s supersonic flight

“Seen & Heard” is a monthly feature of GPS World magazine, traveling the world to capture interesting and unusual news stories involving the GNSS/PNT industry.

Photo: tropicalpixsingapore/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: tropicalpixsingapore/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

3D Maps Solve Accidents

3D mapping is helping forensic teams reconstruct fatal traffic accidents in Singapore, reports The Straits Times. In 2021, Singapore had 100 fatal road accidents. Experts use 3D replicas of the accident site and simulation models to recreate events leading to an accident and its aftermath. This helps forensic scientists determine whether the vehicles were speeding or flouting traffic rules. The National 3D Mapping Program of the Singapore Land Authority has mapped every road, lane and highway in Singapore with a 3D laser scanner and car-mounted cameras, and plans to update the maps regularly. Autonomous vehicles will also depend on the 3D point-cloud data.

Diagram: U.S. General Accountability Office

Diagram: U.S. General Accountability Office

BeiDou Enables Hypersonic Flight

In simulation drills using BeiDou, Chinese space scientists flew a hypersonic flight from Jinan, China, to New York over the Arctic Ocean, reports EurAsian Times. BeiDou facilitated contact between the command center on Earth and the hypersonic vehicle as it dodged enemy air defenses. Researchers claim using BeiDou provided a time lag of less than a second. They also claim to have optimized signal transmitters and designed new satellite-jumping methods to overcome communication challenges. China and Russia are the only countries with operational hypersonic weapons — Russia has used its Kinzhal hypersonic missile in the Ukraine war.

Photo: adiartana/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: adiartana/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Drone Mapping Aids Education

Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and Dr. Soetomo University are cooperating on aerial photo mapping using an unmanned aerial vehicle and GNSS hardware. BRIN’s Ocky Karna Radjasa said he expects that the two parties will extend the opportunity to advance research and innovation as well as bolster the quality of education in Indonesia. The university’s Nur Saidah expects BRIN’s support will increase, stating, “We still have limitation in laboratory facilities, so we seek industry cooperation. Let us hope that, as a result of this cooperation, we can receive help.”

Photo: JacobH/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Photo: JacobH/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Navigating with Muons

A new navigation system addresses shortcomings of GNSS using cosmic-ray muons. Muometric navigation enables positioning underground, indoors or underwater within a reference coordinate system defined by the 3D positions of multiple detectors, researcher Hiroyuki K. M. Tanaka explains in the June issue of Nature. Tanaka’s work shows the system offers a navigation quality almost equivalent to aboveground GPS-based handheld navigation by determining the distance between the reference frame and the receivers with a precision of 1 to 10 meters.

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ComNav celebrates 10 years by launching super-slim GNSS receiver

ComNav Technology Ltd. has released the N2 Palm RTK GNSS receiver. The release coincides with the company’s 10th anniversary. With its advanced technologies, the N2 is suitable for surveying, mapping and construction.

The N2 has a highly integrated main board and a three-in-one antenna, yet is extremely thin and portable, weighing about the same as a basketball (0.72 kg with battery) and measuring 48 mm, the thickness of AirPods.

Powered by ComNav’s SinoGNSS K8 high-precision module, the N2 can track 1,590 channels, including all existing and planned signals of GPS, BDS-2, BDS-3, GLONASS, Galileo, QZSS and SBAS. Its advanced satellite-tracking technology ensures it works well even in harsh environments, such as under heavy foliage or close to buildings.

A third-generation inertial measurement unit (IMU) makes the N2 immune to magnetic disturbance, which greatly improves its reliability. Pole-tilt compensation of up to 60° allows surveyors to locate difficult points precisely and easily while maintaining positioning accuracy within 2.5 cm. By using the company’s Quantum algorithm, the N2 achieves calibration-free operation — after 10 seconds of initialization, users can make tilt measurements with centimeter-level accuracy for an extended period, greatly improving efficiency.

With its integrated UHF modem, the N2 can reach a working range of up to 15 km. It can be used as either a base station or a rover.

The N2 features a 10,000 mAh intelligent Li-ion battery, along with ComNav’s patented low-power-consumption technology. It fully charges in five hours and works continuously in the field for 20 hours. The built-in USB-C port makes it convenient to charge with standard smartphone chargers or external power banks.

As with ComNav’s other products, the N2 meets ComNav’s high quality and durability standards; it is rated IP67 (dustproof and waterproof) and can work in temperatures from –35° C to +65° C. It can be used in a wider range of outdoor working conditions.

With near-field communication (NFC), the N2 can connect to other NFC-enabled devices, such as the R60 data collector. V5.0 dual-mode Bluetooth inside allows users to connect at ultra-long distances with low energy requirements.

The N2 Palm RTK GNSS receiver now is available through ComNav Technology authorized local distributors or directly from ComNav Technology.

Photo: ComNav

Photo: ComNav

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Plugin Update August 2022

The QGIS plugin repository currently lists 1694 plugins and the list keeps on growing, even during the holiday season. It can be challenging to stay up to date.

Our new monthly plugin update is meant to provide you a quick overview of the newest plugins. If any of the names or short descriptions piques your interest, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below the screenshot.

Nyhet från QGIS, orginal inlägg

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Editorial Advisory Board Q&A: What is the greatest strength of GPS?

Compared to the other three GNSS constellations, what is currently the greatest strength of GPS? What is its greatest weakness?

Jules McNeff

Jules McNeff

“I’ll second Bernie’s comments and add that the nearly universal trust in GPS, despite the protestations that it is operated by the military, is a result of decades of openness regarding its operation and improvement. Rare faults are acknowledged and repaired, and planned civil modernizations, though sometimes delayed, are developed with civil collaboration and are fully and publicly documented. Its success and consistency have made it a target, which would be a significant weakness but for a growing awareness of the need for complementary PNT sources to sustain the value it has created.”

— Jules McNeff, Overlook Systems Technologies

Bernard Gruber

Bernard Gruber

“I would submit that the greatest strength of GPS is its ubiquity. GPS really is everywhere — worldwide and accepted. It is a trusted and free continuous source, backed by the integrity of the United States, and used for location, navigation, tracking, mapping and timing in myriad applications. Spawned and integrated applications that rely on GPS are well into the high billions of dollars! As they say, ‘When you’re on top, people will be gunning for you.’ In the case of GPS, I would offer that that is its greatest weakness — overreliance without a backup for those users that should have one.”

— Bernard Gruber, Northrop Grumman

F. Michael Swiek

F. Michael Swiek

“On strengths, it is very simple: reliability, consistency, stability and transparency.”

— Michael Swiek, GPS Alliance

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Ligado approaches Canada for spectrum permission, comments sought

News from CANSPACE Listserv

The Canadian Positioning, Navigation and Timing Office (PNTO) is warning stakeholders that Ligado has asked the Canadian government for access to spectrum that neighbors that of GNSS services. The request has long been a major issue in the United States because of the risk of radio frequency interference for GNSS users.

Image: da-kuk/E+/Getty Images

Image: da-kuk/E+/Getty Images

Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s (ISED) Spectrum Management and Telecommunications team announced on Aug. 19 a Notice of Application from Ligado Networks. The application seeks authority for providing terrestrial mobile services in the L-band (1526-1536 MHz in the MSS downlink, and 1627.5-1637.5 MHz and 1646.5-1656.5 MHz in the MSS uplink).

In its application, Ligado Canada is requesting that ISED adopt similar operational requirements and technical rules as those of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. The rules are spelled out in 2020 FCC order  20-48, “FCC Ligado Amendment to License Modification Applications.” The operational requirements would allow Ligado Canada to provide ancillary terrestrial mobile services over specific portions of its licensed MSS spectrum.

Interested stakeholders can submit comments until Oct. 18 on ISED’s website. Respondents are requested to email their comments in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF to

CANSPACE Listserv is a service of Canadian Space Geodesy Forum and is operated by Dr. Richard Langly.

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Helix Geospace wins UK grant for GNSS antennas for drone swarms

Photo: Windracers

Photo: Windracers

Helix Geospace will participate in the “Future flights challenge phase 3” project by Innovate UK involving drone swarms. The project aims to demonstrate how large unmanned systems can be used to solve environmental-protection concerns in GNSS-denied environments, functioning in swarms and utilizing a combination of digital twinning, computer vision and real-world flight testing.

Other project participants include Windracers, Distributed Avionics, University of Bristol and University of Sheffield.

The goal of the project is to prove that a single remote operator and local safety pilot can handle many unmanned devices and maintain continuous communication in GNSS-denied environments.

Commercially available antennas are susceptible to jamming and spoofing. DielectriX antennas from Helix Geospace are built into a sophisticated array system that can detect all jamming and spoofing events, pinpoint their precise source, and then eliminate their impact, maintaining the accuracy and resilience of GNSS positioning, navigation and timing in GNSS-denied environments.

Collaboration with NERC British Antarctic Survey and Lancashire fire and rescue will provide proof of exploitation and public engagement for the project. The Windracers aircraft will be equipped with British Antarctic Survey scientific research equipment and flown in the Antarctica region to gather novel research data, previously not achieved before at this scale.

The collaboration with Lancashire fire and rescue will help to develop a solution for early fire detection and mitigation. The Windracers aircraft will be retrofitted with sensors and fire mitigation technology providing an airborne system that will patrol high-risk areas.

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Surveyors: Who are they?

The average age of surveyors in the United States is nearly that of retirement. Can new technology attract a new generation to the profession?

“We do not fully understand the trend in the United States,” said Simon Peng, ComNav Technology, “but in China we find that modern survey technology — such as UAV/lidar mapping and total stations — make field work simple. New trends such as computer imaging, point clouds and building information models (BIM) attract young surveying engineers.”

Using the equipment in the field is becoming increasingly easier, said Bernhard Richter, Leica Geosystems. “Our goal is that operating the field equipment should not be more difficult than playing with your smartphone. That means that you don’t need the super expert in the field so much anymore.” However, he argued, “someone who studied surveying should now be more the data manager, have the expertise to put the data in geospatial relation, and know in which reference frame he is operating.”

For example, that person needs to know about orthometric and ellipsoidal heights, especially for engineering projects between countries that might have different height codes. “Anybody who has an interest to geolocate an object can capture the data and upload it to the cloud environment,” Richter said. “Then there are the data managers. Certainly, they need to know the physical limits of surveying technology, and they need to manage the complexity of modeling Earth. They need to become data managers to really put data to work.”

“The anticipated number of new professionals is not necessarily replacing all the surveyors who are expected to retire over the next 10 years,” said Boris Skopljak, Trimble. To tackle this challenge Trimble is using a two-pronged approach: attracting younger workers by raising awareness of surveying as a future career and modernization of the profession. For the first prong, Skopljak cited “phenomenal programs out there, such as Get Kids into Survey.” He pointed out that many Trimble employees are part of those education programs, “promoting inclusion of not just a younger generation, but also of women and minority groups that are heavily underrepresented in our industry today.”

For the second prong, “Digital data capture workflows present opportunities. A very common interview question we ask these days is ‘Do you play video games?’ Generally, those young professionals who are gamers thrive in the 3D environment. The technology aligns well with the interests of younger folks.”

Additionally, a growing number of educational institutions are evolving their curriculums to meet these needs, said Skopljak. Trimble is establishing Trimble Technology Labs in selected academic institutions around the world that are helping students access the latest technology and the best modern engineering practices. Boosting productivity also helps compensate for the declining number of surveyors, because it reduces the number of people needed to get the job done. “As the technology becomes easier to digest and operate and more focused on the workflows, it also becomes easier for companies to standardize it and attract talent,” Skopljak said.

One of the biggest threats to the survey profession, according to Huff, is that it “let bits and pieces of traditional surveys fall off to the wayside.” Geographic information systems (GIS) use the same positioning technology, he pointed out. “Fifty years ago, that was more of a function of the surveyor than it was necessarily the GIS profession. In many ways, while the surveyor is aging — the licensed cadastral surveyors certainly are aging — there is a new generation of folks coming through who are leveraging the new technology, such as drones and mobile mapping systems.”

This new generation, Huff argued, will achieve the same accuracies as the previous one partly because it’s getting easier to do so. “We definitely have more of a generation of digital users that can leverage the technology to do things where even my mentors performed many calculations by hand, on the fly, from plain tables in their logbooks with sine, cosine and tangent in them. Now, I think that technology and 3D immersive technology, which hinges on GPS location, attracts a younger crowd to certain facets of the profession.”

François Freulon, Septentrio, agreed that new technologies now available “can be easily adopted by new generations in the profession,” yet added that “quality surveying requires a good formation and experience in the field.” Therefore, he argued, “surveying education systems will need to adapt their programs and incorporate newer techniques such as new positioning modes and corrections.

Surely RTK remains as the main accuracy technique, but this could change quickly in the coming years as correction services bring better performance and regional coverage.”