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Integrity is integral to precision agriculture

THE TREKTOR HYBRID ROBOT for agriculture, made by the French company SITIA, can work on a variety of crops by changing the width of its wheelbase and can perform many repetitive tasks, such as spraying and hoeing. (Image: SITIA)

The Trektor hybrid robot for agriculture, made by the French company SITIA, can work on a variety of crops by changing the width of its wheelbase and can perform many repetitive tasks, such as spraying and hoeing. (Image: SITIA)

Precision agriculture has been around for more than 30 years and now covers the majority of U.S. farmland. It refers to the ability of farmers to observe, measure and respond precisely to the variability of soil and crop characteristics within and between fields by using maps of these characteristics and GNSS navigation. It enables them to reduce inputs of seed, water, fertilizer, pesticides and fuel while increasing outputs. It also enables them to work at night and in the fog and automate many functions at large feed lots.

For precision agriculture, GNSS integrity can mean the difference between, say, a robot protecting a vineyard by weeding and spraying pesticides or damaging it by straying onto the vines.

Autonomous Tractors, Mowers, and Feed Monitors

SITIA, a French company, has developed an autonomous tractor that is used by, among others, an organic vineyard in France’s Loire valley to tirelessly weed the narrow rows between the grape vines — compensating for the movement of young workers to cities. Thanks to the high accuracy and integrity of the Septentrio GNSS heading receiver inside, the autonomous tractor has decreased the damage to the vineyards by more than an order of magnitude compared to the traditional work done by a farmer with a manual tractor.

Renu Robotics, based in San Antonio, Texas, makes a robot for vegetation management, called Renubot. It uses machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence, to plan its route, optimize its energy consumption, perform self-diagnostics, collect environmental data and assess the topography that it traverses.

Navigation is based on a stored map of paths, a Septentrio RTK GPS receiver and sensors to avoid obstacles. A radio link enables the Renubot to communicate with a control center, for reporting and updates. When the Renubot returns to its recharge pod, it charges its lithium battery and performs updates and downloads.

Manabotix Pty. Ltd., an Australian company, has developed an automated system to monitor cattle in large feedlots, using GNSS, lidar scanning and other vision or perception technologies and artificial intelligence. This has greatly improved the accuracy and consistency of feedlot volume estimates, which for the previous 150 years had been the responsibility of a select few employees, who would visually gauge the amount of feed in concrete troughs. This visual inspection by humans was inherently imprecise, subjective, and inconsistent, often causing animals to eat too much or too little one day and get off their optimal growth curve or even become ill. Manabotix’s solution consists of a Septentrio AsteRx-U GNSS receiver and antenna, a lidar scanner, and an onboard processing platform.

Statistical Analysis

Integrity is a key aspect of all these applications. A part of delivering integrity is a statistical analysis called receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), which was developed for such safety-critical applications as aviation or marine navigation. A refinement of RAIM, called RAIM+, takes this analysis to the next level as part of a larger positioning protection package.

For autonomous operation, it can be particularly hazardous to be overly optimistic about GNSS accuracy. This parameter is reported in the form of positioning uncertainty, which is the maximum possible error on the calculated position. It is especially necessary in challenging GNSS environments, where the receiver has a direct line of sight to only a limited number of GNSS satellites or where GNSS signals are degraded. RAIM alerts users when their receiver’s uncertainty strays beyond the limits they have chosen for their application.

Users can be deceived by a consistent position or movement — which can be consistently inaccurate. The positioning uncertainty gives them an indication of the extent to which they can rely on their receiver’s positioning accuracy at any given moment. The receiver operator can set an alarm limit, so that the receiver can flag situations when positioning uncertainty becomes too large.

The blue line in Figure 1 shows position uncertainty estimated by a GNSS receiver under favorable conditions, when the view of the sky is unobstructed, and the receiver has a direct line-of-sight to many satellites.

Figure 1. Under good GNSS conditions, the position uncertainty shown by the blue lines is well within the alarm limits, indicating safe operation. The actual position of the receiver should always remain within the blue uncertainty boundaries. (Image: Septentrio)

Figure 1. Under good GNSS conditions, the position uncertainty shown by the blue lines is well within the alarm limits, indicating safe operation. The actual position of the receiver should always remain within the blue uncertainty boundaries. (Image: Septentrio)

During favorable conditions, the positioning uncertainty stays well below the alarm limit because the calculated position is almost the same as the robot’s actual position. However, in challenging environments, the truthfulness of positioning uncertainty becomes most critical (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. In challenging environments receivers with high integrity report large positioning uncertainty, flagging possible inaccuracies to the system. If the receiver is too optimistic about its accuracy, the operation becomes hazardous. (Image: Septentrio)

Figure 2. In challenging environments receivers with high integrity report large positioning uncertainty, flagging possible inaccuracies to the system. If the receiver is too optimistic about its accuracy, the operation becomes hazardous. (Image: Septentrio)

For instance, when the view of the sky is partially obstructed by buildings or foliage, the receiver has access to only a limited number of GNSS satellites, making it harder to calculate accurate position. In such cases the receiver must report a higher positioning uncertainty, so that the system can take adequate action such as switching to lower speeds, staying further away from predefined boundaries, or stopping.

A low integrity receiver may keep reporting an optimistic positioning uncertainty, that stays below the preset alarm limit even when the calculated position is way off from the actual position. The number may look fine, but effectively it becomes a “robot on the loose,” no longer on its planned path with a risk of damaging itself and its surroundings.

Let us look at uncertainty limits in action during a GNSS car test in an urban canyon, where the view of the sky is partially obstructed by houses (see Figure 3). The orange lines are the positioning and its uncertainty boundaries reported by a Septentrio mosaic GNSS module in the car, while the red lines are the positioning and its uncertainty boundaries reported by another popular GNSS receiver. The white line shows the actual position of the car as it drives along the road. The orange uncertainty boundaries of the mosaic receiver are truthful and somewhat wider in this challenging environment, and you can see that the actual position always remains within these boundaries. On the other hand, the red trajectory jumps off course in a certain challenging spot on the road, with the actual position no more within the uncertainty boundaries, which remain too optimistic. In this case the competitor’s receiver gives a false sense of security and the system is unaware of its hazardous operation.

Figure 3: In an urban canyon car test the Septentrio receiver reports truthful position uncertainty. A competitor receiver seems to be more accurate, while the actual position is not even within its reported uncertainty boundaries. (Image: Septentrio)

Figure 3. In an urban canyon car test the Septentrio receiver reports truthful position uncertainty. A competitor receiver seems to be more accurate, while the actual position is not even within its reported uncertainty boundaries. (Image: Septentrio)

If the receiver depicted by the red line provided navigational information for an ADAS automotive system, for example, this could mislead the system into thinking that the car switched lanes. If the system then attempted to correct the trajectory by switching back to the “correct lane” this would result in taking the car off course and potentially hitting the sidewalk or even another car.


The underlying mechanism behind truthful positioning uncertainty reporting is RAIM, which ensures a truthful positioning calculation based on statistical analysis and exclusion of any outlier satellites or signals. Septentrio receivers are designed for high integrity and take RAIM to the next level with RAIM+, guaranteeing truthfulness of positioning with a high degree of confidence.

In Septentrio receivers RAIM+ is a component of a larger receiver protection suite called GNSS+ comprising positioning protection on various levels including AIM+ anti-jamming and anti-spoofing, IONO+ resilience to ionospheric scintillations, and APME+ multipath mitigation.

Septentrio has fine-tuned its RAIM+ statistical model with more than 50 terabytes of field data collected over 20 years. It removes satellites and signals which may give errors due to multipath reflection, solar ionospheric activity, jamming and spoofing, while working together with the GNSS+ components mentioned above. Because of this multi-component protection architecture, it achieves a very high level of positioning accuracy and reliability which goes well beyond the standard RAIM. The RAIM+ statistical model is adaptive, highly detailed, and complete, taking advantage of all available GNSS constellations and signals. The full RAIM+ functionality is also available in Septentrio’s GNSS/INS receiver line. User controlled parameters allow it to be tuned to specific requirements.

The diagram in Figure 4 shows RAIM+ in action during a jamming and spoofing attack on a Septentrio GNSS receiver. While AIM+ removes the effects of GNSS jamming, both AIM+ and RAIM+ work together to block the spoofing attack. Satellites with high distance errors, shown on the middle graph, are removed by RAIM+ since they do not conform to the expected satellite distance.

Figure 4. In this scenario jamming gives satellite distance errors but is countered by AIM+ technology. During spoofing AIM+ eliminates some of the spoofed satellites, while other satellites that have wrong distances are dismissed by RAIM+ algorithms. (Image: Septentrio)

Figure 4. In this scenario jamming gives satellite distance errors but is countered by AIM+ technology. During spoofing AIM+ eliminates some of the spoofed satellites, while other satellites that have wrong distances are dismissed by RAIM+ algorithms. (Image: Septentrio)

This example shows that even in the case of jamming and spoofing, Septentrio’s high integrity receiver technology delivers truthful and reliable positioning on which any autonomous system can count.

GNSS Design Around Reliability

GNSS receivers designed to be reliable strive for high integrity in both reporting of the positioning uncertainty as well as in RAIM+ advanced statistical modelling. This ensures that these receivers provide truthful and timely warning messages and are resilient in various challenging environments. Other technologies such as inertial navigation system (INS) can also be coupled to the GNSS receiver to extend positioning availability even during short GNSS outages. Quality indicators for satellite signals, CPU status, base-station quality and overall quality allow monitoring of positioning reliability at any given time. High-integrity GNSS receivers provide truthful positioning in autonomous machines such as the SITIA weeding tractor. They are also crucial components in safety-critical applications, assured PNT and any other application where accuracy and reliability matters.

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M3 Systems and BOREAL SAS collaborate on Space4Earth



BOREAL SAS and M3 Systems France, both subsidiaries of the Mistral Group, are collaborating on Mistral Group’s new corporate mission, Space4Earth, which aims to define the future of geolocated positioning by 2030. To work on the mission, both companies are consolidating space technology and UAV teams across two sites in the Toulouse, France, region with the goal of providing end-to-end solutions in the areas of automotive, drone, and space-based geo-positioning.

The Mistral Group has established its first multi-expertise center on Jean-Jaurès Avenue in Toulouse. Its location aims to stimulate internal collaboration. The location of the site will enable the Mistral Group to play a key role in the field of space innovation and long-range UAVs.

The second site, located in Lavernose-Lacasse, will house the InnovLab innovation center, which is dedicated to creating proofs of concept. The lab is equipped with advanced technological resources to enable company employees to work on the developments of UAV and GNSS projects. The overall objective is to develop new payloads and to develop integration methods to offer bespoke flying laboratories.

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Increasing GNSS interference: UK and EU warn aviation

Image: Chalabala/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Image: Chalabala/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

“Since February 2022, there has been an increase in jamming and/or possible spoofing of GNSS. This issue particularly affects the geographical areas surrounding conflict zones but is also present in the eastern Mediterranean, Baltic Sea and Arctic area,” the European Union Aviation Safety Agency stated in a Feb. 17 safety information bulletin.

On April 4, the United Kingdom’s Civil Aviation Authority followed with its own advisory adding that, in addition to the year-over-year increase, interference has intensified in recent months citing the same geographic areas of concern.

Both advisories list impacts to aircraft that include:

  • loss of ability to use GNSS for waypoint navigation
  • loss of area navigation (RNAV) approach capability
  • inability to conduct or maintain Required Navigation Performance (RNP) operations, including RNP and RNP Authorization Required (RNP AR) approaches
  • triggering of terrain warnings, possibly with pull up commands
  • inconsistent aircraft position on the navigation display
  • loss of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B), wind shear, terrain and surface functionalities
  • failure or degradation of a variety of air traffic management service and aircraft systems that use GNSS as a time reference
  • potential airspace infringements and/or route deviations due to GNSS degradation.

Airspace infringement can be a real concern, especially in conflict zones or near belligerent nations.

GPS was first authorized for civil use because of just such an incident. In 1983, a Korean airliner accidentally trespassed into Soviet airspace and was shot down. Despite the fact that the GPS constellation had not yet been declared fully operational, in September of that year President Ronald Regan authorized its use in civil applications to help avoid similar tragedies in the future.

GPS-based navigation for aircraft was subsequently found to be so efficient and successful that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) planned to eliminate all the terrestrial navigation beacons it maintains for air traffic and rely entirely upon GPS. Despite a 2001 report from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Volpe Center cautioning against such an action, this plan was not abandoned until several years later when an aircraft crossing the Atlantic lost GPS reception.

In recent years, aviation industry concerns about interference with GPS and other GNSS signals have intensified. These concerns have even included planned and announced military exercises that cause interference. Aviation industry groups have complained that the exercises disrupt and are too costly to their operations.

Safety of life has also been a concern.

In 2019 a commercial passenger aircraft was nearly lost to GPS interference in Sun Valley, Idaho. Flying a GPS-based approach through the mountains to the airport, low-level interference caused the aircraft to deviate from its course. In the words of the safety report filed with NASA, had a sharp-eyed radar controller hundreds of miles away not spotted the problem and intervened, “…that flight crew and the passengers would be dead, I have no doubt.”

This incident was cited by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in a filing later that year urging international action. Along with other groups, it pressed the U.N.’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) concerning “An Urgent Need to Address Harmful Interferences with GNSS.” In 2020, ICAO issued a letter to all member states recommending action.

Similar concerns have been expressed by other international bodies as well.

In 2021 a EUROCONTROL seminar said that there had been a 2,000% increase in GNSS RFI incidents since 2018 as measured by voluntary incident reporting. Also, that 38.5% of European en-route traffic operated in regions regularly affected by interference.

The International Telecommunications Union, the U.N. body responsible for coordinating spectrum use, issued its own concern and warning in 2022. It cited more than 10,000 aviation-related incidents the previous year and, like ICAO, urged member states to take action to prevent such occurrences.

While interference with GNSS signals is unquestionably a concern for commercial aircraft, it is perhaps even more of a safety risk for smaller, general aviation users.

The only electronic navigation aids in many of these aircraft are consumer-grade GPS receivers. Since these are not certified by the FAA, they are only officially authorized for use to help pilots maintain “situational awareness” while they fly using visual reference with the ground. Interference with GNSS signals can cause disorientation and could result in aircraft becoming lost, running out of fuel, or straying into prohibited areas.

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TDK releases digital MEMS gyroscope

TDK Corporation

TDK Corporation

TDK Corporation has released Tronics GYPRO4300, a high stability and vibration-tolerant digital MEMS gyroscope for dynamic applications.

The GYPRO4300 features a ±300°/s input measurement range, 200 Hz bandwidth, and 1 ms latency with a closed-loop architecture that enables high linearity and stability. The GYPRO4300 has bias instability of 0.5°/h as a typical value and a maximum value of 2°/h.

The GYPRO4300 is suitable for applications such as railways, land vehicles, vertical take-off and landing aircraft and UAVs, marine and subsea systems, borehole drilling and surveying instruments.

The GYPRO4300 is available now for sampling and customer evaluations. Evaluations of the sensors can also be made with an Arduino-based evaluation kit that provides built-in testing functionalities such as output reading and recording, recalibration, and digital self-tests.

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Full paper submission for ENC 2023 deadline coming up

Image: extravagantni/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Image: extravagantni/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

The annual European Navigation Conference (ENC23), set for May 31-June 2, will be hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) at its ESTEC facilities in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Full papers need to be submitted by May 15.

This year’s conference will focus on resilient navigation. Organized by The Netherlands Institute for Navigation, the conference will address resilience in a broad sense, including navigation sub-functions, operational routines, standards and policies.

The ENC23 tech committee has broken down the overarching theme into a range of topics, including integral end-to-end navigation solutions, specifics in position, navigation and timing, routing, data integrity questions and more.

Registration is open until May 21. For more information, visit the ENC23 website.

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Safran provides GNSS simulation solutions for Xona Space Systems LEO constellation

Image: Safran Electronics and Defense

Image: Safran Electronics and Defense

Orolia, a Safran Electronics and Defense company, has partnered with Xona Space Systems to develop support for Xona’s low-Earth-orbit (LEO) constellation and navigation signals in its Skydel-powered simulation and testing products.

Xona is developing PULSAR – a high-performance positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) service enabled by a commercial constellation of dedicated LEO satellites.

“Our Skydel GNSS simulation engine will provide support for Xona’s PULSAR signals and satellite constellation to offer OEMs, developers, and integrators a unique tool that enables early testing and validation of Xona’s LEO PNT signal performance,” Pierre-Marie Le Véel, GNSS products director with Safran, said.

The PULSAR service aims to advance PNT security, resilience and accuracy capabilities by augmenting existing GNSS while also operating as an independent PNT constellation.

Skydel powers Safran’s advanced GNSS simulators such as GSG-8.

Image: Xona Space Systems 

Image: Xona Space Systems

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Hexagon | NovAtel: Taking on land with SMART antennas

One of a small army of PhytoPatholoBots (PPB) developed by Cornell University and deployed to four grape breeding programs across the United States. These autonomous robots will roll through vineyards, using computer vision to gather data on the physiological state of each grapevine. They use a NovAtel SMART antenna. (Image: Allison Usavage / Cornell University)

One of a small army of PhytoPatholoBots (PPB) developed by Cornell University and deployed to four grape breeding programs across the United States. These autonomous robots will roll through vineyards, using computer vision to gather data on the physiological state of each grapevine. They use a NovAtel SMART antenna. (Image: Allison Usavage / Cornell University)

One GNSS receiver widely used in autonomous ground vehicles is Hexagon | NovAtel’s SMART7 antenna. Matteo Luccio, GPS World’s editor-in-chief, discussed the product and its applications with Haley Lawrance, Senior Positioning Product Manager, Agriculture for Hexagon | NovAtel.

Luccio: “How do you differentiate your SMART antennas from your other GNSS receivers?”

Lawrance: “The reason why the SMART antenna portfolio has been so attractive within the agriculture market and to our autonomy customers specifically, has been the ease of integration and the high performance it provides. GNSS positioning is just one part of an autonomous system, and the autonomous integrators don’t necessarily have the volume of machines out of the gate that would justify the development time for them to integrate the OEM components.

With NovAtel’s SMART antennas, they only need to consider the single cable harness that will run power and communications to and from the receiver – and a single mount point on the vehicle. The SMART antennas offer a waterproof and rugged enclosure, designed to withstand the demanding environments typical for agriculture – and help accelerate our customers’ time to market.”

Luccio: “Is there some standard, as there is for cars, that enables developers of autonomous systems to easily plug your system into theirs?”

Lawrance: “We support a variety of communication protocols – serial, CAN, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi. For autonomy, Ethernet tends to be the most common option for communication with the GNSS receiver – especially when using features that require more bandwidth, such as our SPAN GNSS+INS sensor fusion solution that leverages an inertial measurement unit.

NovAtel’s_OEM7_driver, built for the Robot Operating System (ROS), is a great option because it makes it even quicker for them to integrate and allows the receiver to essentially plug-and-play into the ROS environment with minimal development. For CAN, we support both J1939 Transport and Extended Transport Protocol and NMEA 2000 if they would like to communicate onto an existing bus they are using on the vehicle.”

Luccio: “What about the ease of integration on the software side?”

Lawrance: “We have a very large library of proprietary NovAtel-formatted logs that are available in binary and ASCII, which provide flexibility and allow customers to customize a unique set of logs that provide the data they are interested in. This could be anything from information on which satellites are being used in the solution, to the roll and pitch of the vehicle, or status information from the receiver. NovAtel receivers also output in standard formats, such as NMEA 2000 and NMEA 0183, that consolidate the data that they are most likely to need, such as position, velocity, and quality indicators.”

Luccio: “What markets do your SMART antennas target?”

Lawrance: “Broadly speaking, the SMART antenna product line was designed specifically for agriculture use cases and environments. Customers include agriculture OEMs, aftermarket integrators that develop retrofit precision ag solutions, and autonomous solution providers.
Within that product line, we have SMART7 and SMART2, with different performance options that allows us to scale the best product solution for each application. For high-performance semi-autonomous or autonomous applications that need centimetre-level accuracy – even in highly variable terrain and challenging GNSS-obstructed environments, SMART7 is the best fit – together with SPAN GNSS+INS and TerraStar-C PRO Correction Services or RTK.

For additional positioning redundancy on an autonomous vehicle, SMART2 can be used together with SMART7 – meaning there are two different, independent GNSS hardware, software, and positioning solutions running in parallel. This allows autonomous machinery manufacturers to utilize both positioning solutions in parallel for an additional layer of protection.”

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Autonomous systems take on more tasks

Image: Renu Robotics

Image: Renu Robotics

While on public roads self-driving cars are still years away, autonomous systems are already common in much less congested and/or much more controlled environments — such as farm fields, ports, mines, rivers, and in the air — where the risk of a collision causing injuries or fatalities is smaller by orders of magnitude. From unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) taking aerial photographs, to unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) spraying vineyards, to unmanned surface vessels (USV) conducting hydrographic surveys, autonomous or semi-autonomous systems are generally much safer, more efficient, and cheaper to operate than their manned counterparts.

Whether they have wheels, hulls, or wings to properly perform their tasks, autonomous systems need to know — with great accuracy — their position, heading and attitude (roll, pitch, yaw, surge, sway, and heave). For example, to spray grapes in a vineyard, an autonomous system needs to know not only its exact position but also whether it is level or tilted to one side due to uneven terrain, lest it spray the ground or into the air instead of the grapes. Similarly, a survey vessel’s pitch, which depends on its speed through the water, and its roll, due to waves and wind, affect the direction of its sonar beams.

Knowing a platform’s position, heading and attitude requires tight integration of the outputs of GNSS receivers and inertial navigation systems (INS). This enables autonomous systems to compensate for their movements — either physically and in real time, by orienting their sensors or tools, or in software when post-processing the data they collected.

The following three case studies sample current developments in autonomous systems on land, in the air, and on the water.

Matteo Luccio, Editor-in-Chief

Learn more about the following case studies:

Hexagon | NovAtel: Talking on land with SMART antennas

Trimble Applanix: Unmanned aerial vehicles aid survey efforts

CHC Navigation: The boat boost

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Trimble Applanix: Unmanned aerial vehicles aid survey efforts

L’avion jaune, a French UAV and aerial photogrammetry company, uses the Trimble Applanix APX-20 UAV GNSS-inertial OEM solution and a YellowScan VX-20 lidar on its M600 multirotor UAV. (Image: L’Avion Jaune)

L’avion jaune, a French UAV and aerial photogrammetry company, uses the Trimble Applanix APX-20 UAV GNSS-inertial OEM solution and a YellowScan VX-20 lidar on its M600 multirotor UAV. (Image: L’Avion Jaune)

The breakdown of limestone cliffs generates landslides and loose debris that threatens the environment, people and wildlife below. These conditions make it impossible to safely operate traditional survey equipment from the ground for landslide detection. Using UAVs for direct georeferencing is an efficient way to take traditional survey efforts to the sky and enables users to accurately assess land formations while mitigating risk.

One way to implement direct georeferencing on UAV platforms is with the Trimble APX-20 UAV, which is a GNSS-inertial OEM solution that increases the mapping efficiency of small UAVs. It consists of small, low power, precision GNSS and inertial hardware components and POSPac UAV post-mission differential GNSS-inertial office software. The APX-20 UAV eliminates the need for ground control points and reduces the sidelap required to be flown per flight.

The APX-20 UAV contains a precision, survey-grade GNSS receiver and dual inertial measurement units (IMU), so it automatically supports integration on gimballed platforms without requiring an external interface to an autopilot or on a mount. It computes at 100 hz using the embedded IMU while simultaneously logging the raw IMU data from both the internal and external IMU at 200 hz for post-processing in POSPac UAV. The postprocessed position and orientation solutions are suitable for direct georeferencing of cameras, lidars and other sensors.

Trimble Applanix UAV Put to the Test

For fast and safe landslide detection, the Trimble Applanix APX-20 UAV for direct georeferencing was put to the test using a Multirotor M600 manufactured by French company L’Avion Jaune equipped with a VX-20 lidar sensor made by YellowScan, also a French company. This combination produces cost-effective and reliable high-resolution UAV lidar-derived DTMs and 3D models for hazard mitigation and planning.
L’Avion Jaune has performed more than 600 successful mapping missions globally. After pursuing mapping activities with mainly crewed aircraft, it began developing UAVs for long-distance applications for marine, tropical forest and polar regions such as the Multirotor M600/YellowScan VX-20, which offers high-precision, cost-effective and efficient aerial mapping.

The APX-20 UAV and the M600/YellowScan VX-20 were combined and deployed to evaluate landslide activities in France. The mission parameters for this configuration included: high point density; x, y, z precision of 5 cm; access to dangerous zones; map generation under dense vegetation area, and fast deployment. The goal of this project was to enable the implementation of safety and prevention plans for the protection of pedestrians, infrastructure, wildlife and more.

During the six-hour duration of the project, the APX-20 UAV and M600/YellowScan VX-20 configuration was flown four times for 15 minutes each during sunrise. It flew more than 75 ha in surface area with a flight speed of 5 m/s at 60 m in the air, following the topography. Checkpoints were surveyed with differential GPS following the conclusion of the flights. Data processing included computation of the georeferenced trajectory, matching flight lines and point cloud classification, which took two days.

The Results

The flexible UAV deployment of resources enabled the acquisition of dense point clouds and the generation of DTM in less than three days. During this project L’Avion Jaune was able to optimize the choice of material and discover the best practices to collect and process lidar data for mapping in dense vegetation.

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CHC Navigation: The boat boost

To improve the efficiency of their hydrographic surveying services and expand them, Coastal Geomatics evaluated multiple USV, choosing the CHC Apache 4. (Image: Coastal Geomatics)

To improve the efficiency of their hydrographic surveying services and expand them, Coastal Geomatics evaluated multiple USV, choosing the CHC Apache 4. (Image: Coastal Geomatics)

Time (and costs) saved using unmanned surface vessels (USV) over conventional methods for hydrography can be dramatic — especially in autonomous mode. Numerous firms, large and small, have discovered how modest investments in such craft can completely revolutionize their hydrographic operations. One such firm is the family owned and operated Coastal Geomatics in North Carolina.

“With conventional methods, it used to take us four weeks with a three- or four-person crew to do the bathymetry for 26 canals that we do every two years for the City of Holden Beach,” Chris Stanley, owner and manager of Coastal Geomatics, said. “Now, with our Apache we do this over four days of high tide; about four to five hours per day.”

Stanley had been surveying in the local area for more than 30 years and had partnered in several local firms. In 2020, he decided to start his own firm, together with his two adult sons Alan and Ian: Coastal Geomatics was born.

“We do a lot of boundary work, and topographic surveys as there is a lot of construction going on in the area,” Alan said. “We also do flood insurance work, FEMA elevation certificates, and hydrographic work — we are on the coast.” Holden Beach is on one of North Carolina’s barrier islands, separated from the mainland by the Intercoastal Waterway. Coastal Geomatics has standing contracts to do hydro work for FEMA beach erosion annually, and the biennial canal surveys for the city.

The move to a USV for hydrographic surveys made a lot of sense, however a past bad experience with the technology prompted Stanley to be extra diligent in choosing a boat. At one firm for which the elder Stanley had worked in the past, they had acquired a USV that he said was essentially “a jet ski, with a mix of components cobbled together.” He added that they had never really gotten it to work right, and it now sits idle in a storage unit.

The Stanleys did some research on the current state of small USV, noting that some still seem like “contraptions” and decided instead to test out three models from CHC Navigation: the Apache 3, 4, and 6. They had considered the tri-hulled Apache 6 for some offshore work they sometimes do, however, they chose the Apache 4 for now. It has a dual GNSS antennas for position and heading that is tightly coupled with an IMU for uninterrupted positions, a single beam echo sounder, and a 360° camera. It has a sensor well that can accommodate most of the popular models of acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCP), though Coastal Geomatics is not presently using an ADCP. It can be run fully autonomously for missions defined in the AutoPlanner software, or remotely piloted — Coastal Geomatics needed both options. They noted how the boat is compact, easy to operate, and all components are well integrated with watertight seals.

For open water areas of their contracted surveys, they put the USV in full autonomous mode, where they say it is quite efficient. However, there are specific tasks where a remote pilot needs to take over.

The canals surveyed for the city to inform dredging operations are about 100 feet wide and each house has a floating dock. There is a 20- to 30-foot strip between the docks. The old method, Ian explained, was to put one of the crew in a small flat bottomed Jon boat, with a crew member on each side of the canal, often with a fourth using a total station. Points across the canal from bulkhead to bulkhead were taken with a long prism pole, handing the pole off to the crew member on the other side after each crossing. The dynamics of which residents’ boats might be at the docks on any given day made full autonomy for that phase of the surveys impractical.

Coastal Geomatics’ solution was to employ a peddle-powered kayak, guiding the Apache remotely. The flexibility of their new craft has enabled the firm to execute multiple types of surveys and expand their hydrographic services more efficiently.