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OGC and partners release marine SDI roadmap

Image: OGC

Image: OGC

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released the first iteration the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)-M (Marine) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Maturity Roadmap for both marine and terrestrial domains.

Developed as part of OGC’s ongoing Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) Initiative, the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is a quick-start guide for nations and marine organizations aiming to advance and simplify efforts in marine SDI while ensuring alignment with the UN-IGIF principles.

“The IGIF-MSDI maturity roadmap is an important step that supports a holistic understanding of data-exchange and processing environments,” said OGC Chief Technology Innovation Officer, Ingo Simonis.

According to the OGC, the core of the IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap is formed by the World Bank SDI Diagnostic Toolkit where, with contributions from IHO and OGC, its terrestrial heritage was augmented to maximize its benefits to the marine domain.

The roadmap and related resources are available for free on OGC’s IGIF-(M)SDI Maturity Roadmap website. 

Feedback and applied experiences from the geospatial community are sought via OGC Member Meetings or directly.

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u-blox and ORBCOMM partner for integrated IoT communications

Image: metamorworks/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Image: metamorworks/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

u-blox has partnered with ORBCOMM, a pioneer in Internet of Things (IoT) technology, to develop solutions for the convergence of terrestrial and satellite IoT communications markets.

According to the Ericsson Mobility Report, the number of cellular IoT connections is projected to reach around 5.5 billion by 2028. The satellite IoT communications market is also expected to triple by 2025. Combining these two technologies will provide gap-free global connectivity for IoT communications, even in previously uncovered areas, making it more accessible for IoT deployers.

With this partnership, u-blox will integrate ORBCOMM’s satellite communication protocols into its UBX-R52/S52 LPWA (low-power wide-area) modem SoC (system-on-a-chip) resulting in a smaller, less complex chipset that offers dual connectivity. This chipset will be used in future u-blox module products, enabling connected solutions across the globe.

The collaboration between ORBCOMM and u-blox will meet the increasing demand for IoT solutions capable of connecting devices in remote locations, areas with poor cellular coverage and isolated environments. Various industrial IoT applications can benefit from these solutions, such as asset tracking, equipment tracking in agriculture and construction industries, and industrial sensors.

“Pairing ORBCOMM’s satellite technology with u-blox’s innovative UBX-R52/S52 chipset will allow customers deploying IoT solutions in the supply chain, heavy equipment, and agriculture industries to benefit from ubiquitous coverage, device simplicity, along with optimal reliability and longevity,” said David Roscoe, ORBCOMM’s executive vice president of satellite communications and products.

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QGIS server 3.28 is officially OGC compliant

QGIS Server provides numerous services like WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS and OGC API for Features. These last years, a lot of efforts were made to offer a robust implementation of the WMS 1.3.0 specification.

We are pleased to announce that QGIS Server LTR 3.28 is now certified against WMS 1.3.0.

This formal OGC certification process is performed once a year, specifically for the Long Term Release versions. But, as every change in QGIS source code is now tested against the formal OGC test suites (using OGC TeamEngine) to avoid any kind of regressions, you can always check any revision of the code against OGC failures in our Github continuous integration results.

All this has been possible thanks to the QGIS’s sustaining members and contributors.

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Plugin Update June & July 2023

In this summer plugin update, we explore 51 new plugins that have been published in the QGIS plugin repository.

Here’s the quick overview in reverse chronological order. If any of the names or short descriptions piques your interest, you can find the direct link to the plugin page in the table below the screenshot.

The QGIS plugin is used by agencies in the West Java provincial government to upload data and create map services on the geoserver in order to publish data internally and publicly
BD TOPO® Extractor
This tool allows you to extract specific data from IGN’s BD TOPO®. The extraction is based on either an extent drawned by the user on the map canvas or a layer’s extent.
Opacity Set
Sets opacity 0.5, 0.75 or 1 for selected raster layer.
USM toolset (Urban Sprawl Metric toolset)
The USM Toolset was developed to facilitate the calculation of Weighted Urban Proliferation (WUP) and all components of urban sprawl for landscapes that include built-up areas (e.g., dispersion (DIS), land uptake per person (LUP).
DAI (Daily Aerial Image)
France Commune Cadastre
Search for a cadastral parcel with the French cadastre API
Two distances intersection
Get the intersection of two distances (2D cartesian)
Plugin providing easy access to data from different SDI
SPAN is a flexible and easy to use open-source plugin based on the QGIS software for rooftop mounted PV potential estimation capable of estimating every roof surface’s PV potential.
CSV Batch Import
Batch import of CSV vector layers
Imagine Sustainability
sustainability assessment tool based on geographic MCDA algorithms. Especially suitable for Natura 2000 sites, based on pyrepo-mcda package(
QGIS Hub Plugin
A QGIS plugin to fetch resources from the QGIS Hub
VFK Plugin
Data českého katastru nemovitostí (VFK)<br><br>Czech cadastre data (VFK)
Tools for linear referenced data
CIGeoE Circumvent Polygon
Changes the line to circumvent a polygon between the intersection points
UA XML importer
Імпортує геометрію ділянки, обмежень, угідь та територіальних зон з кадастрового обмінного файлу XML
QGIS eAGRI plugin
Geojson Filling
Allows to fill imported geojson layers with pre-defined field values
Save All
File saving script that saves qgis project file and all vector and raster layers into user-specified folder. Automatically detects file type and saves as that file type (supports SHP, GPKG, KML, CSV, and TIF). All styles and formatting are saved with each layer (except for KML), ensuring that they are opened up with the proper style the next time the project is opened. Temporary layers are made permanent automatically.
Fast Density Analysis
A fast kernel density visualization plugin for geospatial analytics
This plugin manages the Street Smart imagery
Copies the path of layer
pandapower QGis Plugin
Plugin to work with pandapower or pandapipes networks
Qgis Pip Management
Infra-O plugin
Plugin for Finnish municipal asset management.
Add to Felt
Create a collaborative Felt ( map from QGIS
Lahar Flow Map Tools
This plugin is for opening and processing results from LaharFlow
Station Offset
This plugin computes the station and offset of points along polylines and exports those values to csv for other applications
This plugin is used to load the daily new map provided by Siwei Earth.
Easily draw and select entities in the drawing footprint. Installation of the plugin “Memory layer saver” highly recommended. See Read_me.txt file in the Help folder of the plugin. Dessiner et selectionner facilement les entités dans l’emprise du dessin. Installation du plugin “Memory layer saver” fortement recommandé. Voir fichier Lisez_moi dans le dossier Hepl du plugin. Merci !
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
This plugin implements the fuzzy inference system
A plugin to plot feature space and export areas as raster or vector
Panorama Viewer
Plugin for QGIS to view 360-degrees panoramic photos
Map Segmenter
Uses machine learning to segment a map into ares of interest.
ALKIS Plugin
Das Plugin verfügt über zwei Werkzeugkästen und insgesamt vier einfache Werkzeuge. Im Werkzeugkasten “Gebäude” finden Sie drei nützliche Werkzeuge, um ALKIS-Gebäudedaten aufzubereiten. Sie können Dachüberstände erstellen, Gebäude auf der Erdoberfläche extrahieren und redundante Gebäudeteile eliminieren. Im Werkzeugkasten “Nutzung” steht Ihnen ein weiteres Werkzeug zur Verfügung, mit dem Sie die Objektarten in den Objektartengruppen Vegetation, Siedlung, Verkehr und Gewässer zuordnen können. Das Plugin erfordert als Datengrundlage ALKIS-Daten im vereinfachten Format, die in NRW, Deutschland, frei verfügbar sind. Dieses Plugin wurde zu Demonstrationszwecken entwickelt. Das Ziel besteht darin, in einer Videoreihe die Entwicklung eines Plugins ohne die Anwendung von Python vorzustellen. Die Tutorials dazu findet ihr in der folgenden Playlist:
Isobenefit Urbanism plugin for QGIS.
Tools for
assessment the positional quality of geographic data
Implementation of popular topographic correction algorithms and various methods of their evaluation.
The goal is to find the location of the contamination as soon as possible.
Azure Maps Creator
Provides access to Azure Maps Creator services
CIGeoE Identify Dangles
Identifies dangles in a viewport
Delete Duplicate Fields
Delete duplicate or redundant fields from a vector file
Allow QGIS to use LocationFinder (interactive geocoding)
COA TPW Polygonizer
This plugin can be used to create polygons that track the shape of a line network, including the proper handling of intersections with common nodes of the line segments.
Create XPlanGML from polygon(s)
Tweet my river
AI Tweet classifier for river layers
3DCityDB Tools
Tools to visualize and manipulate CityGML data stored in the 3D City Database
A toolset for Seafloor Caracterization
Faunalia Toolkit
Cartographic and spatial awesome analysis tool and much much more!

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First Fix: Satellites and spacetime

Matteo Luccio

Matteo Luccio

Sitting comfortably in a thin aluminum tube at 35,000 ft, I can continue to communicate via e-mail — and, soon, via video — and write this editorial, while on my way from Portland, Oregon, where I live, to Cleveland, Ohio, where North Coast Media, this magazine’s publisher, is based.

I can safely assume that the pilot knows our position, heading, and speed with great accuracy and receives excellent weather reports. The computer on my wrist (made by the largest manufacturer of GNSS-based consumer devices) and the much more powerful one in the holster on my belt, can do way more than Dick Tracy’s creator, Chester Gould, could have ever imagined a gadget produced by Diet Smith Industries to do.

One thing that communications, navigation, and weather forecasts currently share is reliance on satellites — be they in geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), at 22,000 mi, which are used mostly for weather data, broadcast television and, increasingly, data communication; medium Earth orbit (MEO), at 3,000 mi to 12,000 mi, including GNSS satellites and those that provide Internet connectivity; or low-Earth orbit (LEO), 300 mi to 745 mi, with thousands of satellites in operation today, primarily addressing science, imaging, and low-bandwidth telecommunications needs — and, coming, a new generation of satellite-based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services.

Another thing these feats of engineering share is their foundation on the purest science and mathematics. To take one example, had the designers of GPS failed to adjust the system by 38 ms per day to account for both Albert Einstein’s 1905 Special Theory of Relativity and his 1915 General Theory of Relativity, positional errors would cumulate at a rate of about 6.2 mi each day, making GPS utterly worthless for navigation in a very short time. That’s because Einstein’s 1905 theory leads to the prediction that the atomic clocks on GPS satellites should fall behind clocks on the ground by about 7 ms per day because of their slower ticking rate due to the time dilation effect of their relative motion — while his 1915 theory leads to the prediction that they would be ticking faster than identical clocks on the ground by 45 ms per day due to the curvature of spacetime.

As with most complex technologies, the scientific principles, technical challenges, and policy debates behind GNSS are unknown and irrelevant to more than 99% of the public, few of whom even know that GPS is not the only global navigation satellite system in existence today. The technology is transparent to them. Most of them say “GPS” to refer to GNSS receivers, digital maps, driving directions and traffic data without understanding the separate, though overlapping, technologies, business models and data sources involved. This routinely results in misunderstandings and misattributed complaints and praises — such as when drivers blame “their GPS” (meaning their GPS receiver) for leading them up a dead end that was due to a mapping company being one step behind new construction or praise it for traffic alerts for which they should thank crowd-sourced data and algorithms.

Matteo Luccio | Editor-in-Chief

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Mars Laser RTK released for surveying and mapping

Image: ComNav Technology

Image: ComNav Technology

ComNav Technology has released the second product of its Universe series of GNSS receivers, the Mars Laser RTK real-time kinematic (RTK). The Mars Laser RTK is suitable for surveying, mapping, and geographic information system applications.

The Mars Laser RTK features a datalink modem that transmits and receives across the full frequency range from 410 MHz to 470 MHz. With adjustable transmit power of 0.5 w to 2 w and a maximum distance of 15 km, it meets the measurement demands of complex environments. It can also switch roles between a rover and a base, enabling more flexibility in demanding applications.

The Mars Laser RTK is equipped with a Wi-Fi/4G modem and Bluetooth capabilities, facilitating reliable communication across various platforms. The device also features five LEDs on the front panel for satellite tracking, RTK corrections data and more.

Powered by the SinoGNSS K8 high precision module, the Mars Laser RTK supports full-constellation and multi-frequency tracking, including GPS, GLONASS, BDS, QZSS, IRNSS, and Galileo, and supports precise-point positioning service. Additionally, the device tracks more than 60 satellites and 1,590 channels.

The Mars Laser RTK’s third-generation inertial measurement unit (IMU) supports 60° tilt with 2.5 cm accuracy. The IMU can be set to both traditional mode with range pole and laser mode.

The Mars Laser RTK is available now.

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The world is on fire: Fire strikes Maui

Satellite images taken on June 25 and August 9 show an overview of southern Lahaina, Hawaii, before and after the recent wildfires. (Image: Maxar Technologies)

Satellite images taken on June 25 and August 9 show an overview of southern Lahaina, Hawaii, before and after the recent wildfires. (Image: Maxar Technologies)

The number of wildfires this year only increases as the island of Maui, Hawaii has been struck by several wind-whipped wildfires fueled by Hurricane Dora. Flames engulfed parts of Hawaii the morning of Wednesday, August 9, destroying a centuries-old town and killing at least 36 people, reported NBC News.

The fires took people on the island by surprise on Tuesday, as it left behind burned-out cars on once busy streets and smoking piles of debris where historic buildings once stood. Residents and tourists were forced to evacuate the area – including some who reportedly jumped into the ocean to escape the flames.

The National Weather Service believes the combination of high winds and low humidity is what caused the dangerous fire conditions across the island.

On Wednesday, a series of maps from NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System were released, highlighting the number of wildfires still burning on the island.

Satellite images also were taken, showing hundreds of shops and homes burned to the ground. The satellite images focus on the historic Lahaina area, which dates to the 1700s and has long been a popular tourist destination rich with native Hawaiian culture.

In one image from Maxar Technologies, the historic area of Banyan Court in Lahaina appears to have been mostly reduced to ash. Some 271 structures were damaged or destroyed, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported, citing official reports from flyovers conducted by the U.S. Civil Air Patrol and the Maui Fire Department.

The fires in Maui come after scientists have warned that wildfires are becoming more frequent and more widespread across the globe.

Rising global temperatures and the increased extreme weather has led to a surge in the number of wildfires rapidly consuming extensive areas of vegetation and forested lands. Wildfires have recently spread across Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Tunisia and Canada — resulting in mass environmental and economic damage as well as human casualties.

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ProStar, Leica Geosystems announce technology integration

ProStar Holdings Inc., a precision mapping company, has announced a technology integration with Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon. The integration combines ProStar’s utility mapping software, PointMan, and Leica Geosystems’ precision GPS/GNSS receivers for GIS asset data collection.

The integration provides a precise and comprehensive data collection solution to capture, record and display the precise location of critical underground infrastructure across the globe using Leica Geosystems receivers.

“It only makes good business sense to work with other software providers and create mutually beneficial business relationships throughout the geospatial industry,” said Jason Hooten, GIS sales and support manager, Leica Geosystems.

Through the technology integration, PointMan now supports Leica Geosystems receivers for mobile devices running the Google Android operating system and Apple iOS, including the popular Zeno FLX100 plus GNSS receiver.

“The relationship adds significant value to our distribution network as Leica is recognized as a global leader in providing utility data collection solutions and precision GNSS receivers,” said Page Tucker, CEO of ProStar.

ProStar’s PointMan is natively cloud and mobile, offered as a Software as a Solution (SaaS). ProStar’s solutions are being adopted by some of the largest entities in North America, including Fortune 500 construction firms, the largest subsurface utilities engineering (SUE) firms, and government agencies.

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Defending America and saving lives with NITRO

Image: Just_Super/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Image: Just_Super/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

In May the President’s PNT Advisory Board heard a presentation about a National Guard project called NITRO. RNT Foundation President, Dana Goward, recently spoke with the project’s leader, Maj. Gen. Richard R. Neely, Adjutant General, Illinois National Guard, to find out more.

Mr. Goward: Thanks for speaking with us, General. Could you start by telling us what NITRO is and why it’s important?

Maj. Gen. Neely: Of course. NITRO is a project to ensure that the National Guard and our state’s first-responder partners can maintain communications and other critical functions even if we lose GPS timing signals.

NITRO is an acronym for Nationwide Integration of Timing Resiliency for Operations. ]You know how we in the military love our acronyms.

Telecoms and most of the rest of America’s critical infrastructure are dependent on timing from GPS. However, GPS signals are weak, highly vulnerable and under threat.

In addition to bad actors who can and do jam and spoof signals, accidental interference happens all the time. Operations at the Dallas and Denver airports were each interrupted by accident for more than a day last year, for example. A couple of years ago, a passenger airliner almost hit a mountain because of interference with GPS.

Q: It sounds like this is a safety of life issue.

A: It is. Right now, if we lost GPS signals and had to respond to a domestic attack, natural disaster, or other contingency, I am confident there would be additional unnecessary casualties. We are building NITRO so that we can save those lives and keep America safe.

Q: So how does NITRO work?

A: In addition to GPS, it gets multiple sources of space-based and terrestrial time from government and commercial providers. NITRO can use any trusted source. It is not provider- or vendor-specific.

Inputs are combined and compared, matched to the nation’s atomic clocks keeping Coordinated Universal Time, and users are sent the best accurate time multiple ways including over fiber, terrestrial broadcast, and resilient wireless networks.

Another great way in which I think it will be useful: NITRO gives us a common operating picture that can help detect and terminate GPS disruptions and anomalies around the country.

Q: Is the National Guard the only user?

A: Absolutely not! This is a state/federal partnership. The states’ Adjutant Generals are working with their Homeland Security Advisors to make it available to state, local, and tribal first responders. In some instances, also to critical infrastructure.

Even though we are in the early stages of implementation, NITRO is being used by seven states and 256 organizations and it is protecting more than 33 million people, including citizens here in Illinois.

Q: Is NITRO a tasking from the President or Congress? Who told you to do this?

A: NITRO helps execute long standing presidential policy and orders, as well as the recently released National Cybersecurity Implementation Plan. It also meets congressional mandates for backups and alternatives to GPS timing.

However, we created NITRO because we identified a serious threat to the National Guard’s mission execution. It closes 11 operational gaps for us, all without changes to end-user equipment.

Q: With what groups are the NITRO team working?

A: All the states are involved through their adjutant generals, homeland security advisors, and emergency managers. The NITRO board I chair is made up of the adjutant generals from six states.

We are also coordinating across the federal government, especially with the Departments of Homeland Security, Transportation, Commerce, and Energy.

As part of this we are partnering with the Department of Transportation to establish a NITRO engineering and operational site at Joint Base Cape Cod. This will allow engineers from different organizations to see more easily what we are doing and contribute their expertise.

Q: NITRO is going to provide timing signals in places and at times when GPS is not available. Won’t the National Guard also need navigation information?

A: Positioning and navigation are very important, but not quite as critical as timing. So, we are addressing that problem first. And since wireless location and navigation are often based on timing signals, NITRO will provide a good foundation for services and systems that can augment GPS-based navigation.

Q: So, how is the project going?

A: From a technical and operational standpoint, it’s going great. We have very high satisfaction ratings from NITRO users, and states are eager to be connected as soon as possible.

The technologies used are all mature, reasonably low cost, and most components are commercially available. So, engineering-wise it is low risk.

And our team is doing a great job helping folks move from full dependency on GPS to resilient positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) operations.

Q: Do you have any concerns going forward to full deployment?

A: The only thing I worry about is continued funding. Over the next five years we need something less than the cost of one GPS satellite. You would think that would be easy to find for an important effort like this, but it is a state/federal partnership, not a Department of Defense project. So, it falls into a kind of bureaucratic and budgetary no man’s land.

Q: What’s the solution for funding?

A: That’s not our call. The folks at the White House are exploring several alternatives, and I know several members of Congress are also concerned. We see a possibility of this fitting nicely with the recent infrastructure funding bill.

Q: It sounds like NITRO is something America really needs. Let’s hope they find a solution to the funding challenge, and quickly, to keep you on track. Thank you very much for your time!

A: My pleasure!

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Far Out: Positioning above the GPS constellation

Read Richard Langley’s introduction to this article:Innovation Insights: Falcon Gold analysis redux


Figure 1: Diagram of cis-lunar space, which includes the real GPS sidelobe data collected on an HEO space vehicle. (All figures provided by the authors)

As part of NASA’s increased interest in returning to the moon, the ability to acquire accurate, onboard navigation solutions will be indispensable for autonomous operations in cis-lunar space (see Figure 1). Artemis I recently made its weeks-long journey to the Moon, and spacecraft carrying components of the Lunar Gateway and Human Landing System are planned to follow suit. During launch and within the GNSS space service volume, space vehicles can depend on the robust navigation signals transmitted by GNSS constellations (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo). However, beyond this region, NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) serves as the system to track and guide lunar spacecraft through the dark regions of cis-lunar space. Increasingly, development of a lunar navigation satellite system (LNSS) that relies on a low size, weight and power (SWaP) “smallSat” constellation is being discussed for various possible orbits such as low lunar orbit (LLO), near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) and elliptical frozen orbit (ELFO).

Figure 2 : DPE 3D (left) and 2D (right) spatial correlogram shown on a 3D north-east grid.

Figure 2: DPE 3D (left) and 2D (right) spatial correlogram shown on a 3D north-east grid.

We have implemented direct positioning estimation (or collective detection) techniques to make the most of the limited and weak GPS signals (see Figure 2) that have been employed in other GNSS-degraded environments such as urban canyons. The algorithm used in conventional GNSS positioning employs a two-step method. In the first step, the receiver acquires signals to get a coarse estimate of the received signal’s phase offset. In the second step, the receiver tracks the signals using a delay lock loop coupled with a phase or frequency lock loop. The second step enables the receiver to get fine measurements, ultimately used to obtain a navigation solution. In the scenario addressed in our work, where a vehicle is navigating beyond the GPS satellite constellation, the signals are weak and sparse, and a conventional GPS receiver may not be able to acquire or maintain a lock on a satellite’s sidelobe signals to form a position solution. For a well-parameterized region of interest (that is, having a priori knowledge of the vehicle orbital state through dynamic filtering), and if the user’s clock error is known within a microsecond, a direct positioning estimator (DPE) can be used to improve acquisition sensitivity and obtain better position solutions. DPE works by incorporating code/carrier tracking loops and navigation solutions into a single step. It uses a priori information about the GPS satellites, user location, and clocks to directly estimate a position solution from the received signal. The delay-Doppler correlograms are first computed individually for the satellites and are then mapped onto a grid of possible candidate locations to produce a multi-dimensional spatial correlogram. By combining all signals using a cost function to determine the spatial location with the most correlation between satellites, the user position can be determined. As mentioned, signals received beyond the constellation will be sparse and weak, which makes DPE a desirable positioning method.


The proposed techniques draw from several studies exploring the use of weak signals and provide a groundwork for developing robust direct positioning methods for navigating beyond the constellation. NASA has supported and conducted several of the studies in developing further research into the use of signals in this space.

A study done by Kar-Ming Cheung and his colleagues at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory propagates the orbits of satellites in GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS constellations, and simulates the “weak GPS” real-time positioning and timing performances at lunar distance. The authors simulated an NRHO lunar vehicle based on the assumption that the lunar vehicle is in view of a GNSS satellite as long as it falls within the 40-degree beamwidth of the satellite’s antenna. The authors also simulate the 3D positioning performance as a function of the satellites’ ephemeris and pseudorange errors. Preliminary results showed that the lunar vehicle can see five to 13 satellites and achieve a 3D positioning error (one-sigma) of 200 to 300 meters based on reasonable ephemeris and pseudorange error assumptions. The authors also considered using relative positioning to mitigate the GNSS satellites’ ephemeris biases. Our work differs from this study in several key ways, including using real data collected beyond the GNSS constellations and investigating the method of direct positioning estimation for sparse signals.

Luke Winternitz and colleagues at the Goddard Space Flight Center described and predicted the performance of a conceptual autonomous GPS-based navigation system for NASA’s planned Lunar Gateway. The system was based on the flight-proven Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) GPS navigation system augmented with an Earth-pointed high-gain antenna, and optionally, an atomic clock. The authors used high-fidelity simulations calibrated against MMS flight data, making use of GPS transmitter patterns from the GPS Antenna Characterization Experiment project to predict the system’s performance in the Gateway NRHO. The results indicated that GPS can provide an autonomous, real-time navigation capability with comparable, or superior, performance to a ground-based DSN approach using eight hours of tracking data per day.

In direct positioning or collective detection research, Penina Axelrad and her colleagues at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory explored the use of GPS for autonomous orbit determination in geostationary orbit (GEO). They developed a novel approach for directly detecting and estimating the position of a GEO satellite using a very short duration GPS observation period that had been presented and demonstrated using a hardware simulator, radio-frequency sampling receiver, and MATLAB processing.

Ultimately, these studies and more have directed our research in exploring novel methods for navigating beyond the constellation space.


The data we used was collected as part of the U.S. Air Force Academy-sponsored Falcon Gold experiment and the data was also post-processed by analysts from the Aerospace Corporation. A few of the key notions behind the design of the experiment was to place an emphasis on off-the-shelf hardware components. The antenna used on board the spacecraft was a 2-inch patch antenna and the power source was a group of 30 NiMH batteries. To save power, the spacecraft collected 40-millisecond snapshots of data and only took data every five minutes. The GPS L1 frequency was down-converted to a 308.88 kHz intermediate frequency and was sampled at a low rate of 2 MHz (below the Nyquist rate) and the samples were only 1- bit wide. Again, the processing was designed to minimize power requirements.


To test our techniques, we used real data collected from the Falcon Gold experiment on a launch vehicle upper stage (we’ll call it the Falcon Gold satellite) which collected data above the constellation on a HEO orbit. The data collected was sparse, and the signals were weak. However, the correlation process has shown that the collected data contained satellite pseudorandom noise codes (PRNs). Through preliminary investigation, we find that the acquired Doppler frequency offset matches the predicted orbit of the satellite when propagated forward from an initial state. The predicted orbit of the satellite was derived from the orbital parameters estimated using a batch least-squares fit of range-rate measurements using Aerospace Corporation’s TRACE orbit-determination software. The propagation method uses a Dormand-Prince eighth-order integration method with a 70-degree, first-order spherical harmonic gravity model and accounting for the gravitation of the Moon and Sun. The specifics of this investigation are detailed below.

Figure 3: GPS constellation “birdcage” (grey tracks), with regions of visibility near the GPS antenna boresight in blue and green for the given line-of-sight from the Falcon Gold satellite along its orbit (orange).

Figure 3: GPS constellation “birdcage” (grey tracks), with regions of visibility near the GPS antenna boresight in blue and green for the given line-of-sight from the Falcon Gold satellite along its orbit (orange).

The positions of the GPS satellites are calculated using broadcast messages (combined into so-called BRDC files) and International GNSS Service (IGS) precise orbit data products (SP3 files). GPS satellites broadcast signals containing their orbit details and timing information with respect to an atomic clock. Legacy GPS signals broadcast messages contain 15 ephemeris parameters, with new parameters provided every two hours. The IGS supports a global network of more than 500 ground stations, whose data is used to precisely determine the orbit (position and velocity in an Earth-based coordinate system) and clock corrections for each GNSS satellite. These satellite positions, along with the one calculated for the Falcon Gold satellite, allowed for the simulation of visibility conditions. In other words, by determining points along the Falcon Gold satellite trajectory, we determine whether the vehicle will be within the 50° beamwidth of a GPS satellite that is not blocked by Earth.

Figure 3 shows a plot rendering of the visibility conditions of the Falcon Gold satellite at a location along its orbit to the GPS satellite tracks. Figure 4 depicts three of the 12 segments where signals were detected and compares the predicted visibility to the satellites that were actually detected. A GPS satellite is predicted to be visible to the Falcon Gold satellite if the direct line-of-sight (DLOS) is not occluded by Earth and if the DLOS is within 25° of the GPS antenna boresight (see Figure 5).

Figure 4: Predicted visibility of direct line-of-sight to each GPS satellite where a blue line indicates the PRN is predicted to be visible but undetected. A green line is predicted to be visible and was detected, and a red line indicates that the satellite is predicted to not be visible, but was still detected.

Figure 4: Predicted visibility of direct line-of-sight to each GPS satellite where a blue line indicates the PRN is predicted to be visible but undetected. A green line is predicted to be visible and was detected, and a red line indicates that the satellite is predicted to not be visible, but was still detected.

Figure 5: Depiction of the regions of a GPS orbit where the Falcon Gold satellite could potentially detect GPS signals based on visibility.

Figure 5: Depiction of the regions of a GPS orbit where the Falcon Gold satellite could potentially detect GPS signals based on visibility.

As a preliminary step to evaluate the Falcon Gold data, we analyzed the Doppler shifts that were detected at 12 locations along the Falcon Gold trajectory above the constellation. By comparing the Doppler frequency shifts detected to the ones predicted by calculating the rate of change of the range between the GPS satellites and modeled Falcon Gold satellite, we calculated the range rate root-mean-square error (RMSE). Through this analysis, we were able to verify the locations on the predicted trajectory that closely matched the detected Doppler shifts.

These results are used to direct our investigations to regions of the dataset to parameterize our orbit track in a way to effectively search our delay and Doppler correlograms to populate our spatial correlograms within the DPE. Figure 6 shows the time history of the difference of predicted range rates on the trajectory and the detected range rates on the trajectory. That is, a constant detected range rate value is subtracted from a changing range rate for the duration of the trajectory and not just at the location on the trajectory at the detect time (dashed vertical line). From this we can see that the TRACE method gives range rates near the detected ranges at the approximate detection time for the 12 different segments.

Figure 6: Plots depicting the 12 segments of detection and the corresponding time history of differences of range-rate values for each GPS PRN detected. The time history is of the range-rate difference between the predicted range rate from the TRACE-estimated trajectory and the constant detected range rate at the detection time (vertical line).

Figure 6: Plots depicting the 12 segments of detection and the corresponding time history of differences of range-rate values for each GPS PRN detected. The time history is of the range-rate difference between the predicted range rate from the TRACE-estimated trajectory and the constant detected range rate at the detection time (vertical line).

Excluding Segment 12, which was below the MEO constellation altitude, Segment 6 has more detected range rates than that of the other segments. On closer inspection of this segment, and using IGS precise orbit data products, it appears that the minimum RMSE of the range rates from the detected PRNs is off from the reported detection time by several seconds (see Figure 7). Investigating regions along the Falcon Gold TRACE-estimated trajectory and assuming a mismatch in time tagging results in a location (in Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates) with a lower RMSE for the predicted range rates compared to detected range rates.

Figure 7: Range-rate difference between the predicted range rate from the TRACE-estimated trajectory and the constant detected range rate at the detection time (left). A portion of the trajectory around Segment 6 with the TRACE-estimated location at the time of detection (red) and the location with the minimum RMSE of range rate (black).

Figure 7: Range-rate difference between the predicted range rate from the TRACE-estimated trajectory and the constant detected range rate at the detection time (left). A portion of the trajectory around Segment 6 with the TRACE-estimated location at the time of detection (red) and the location with the minimum RMSE of range rate (black).

To determine the search space for the DPE, we first determine the location along the original TRACE-estimated trajectory with the minimum RMSE of range rates for each segment. Then we propagate the state (position and velocity) at the minimum location to the Segment 6 time stamp. If the time segment has more than three observed range rates (Segment 6 and Segment 12), we perform a least squares velocity estimate using the range-rate measurements, using the locations along the trajectory and selecting the location with the smallest RMSE. Then, for Segment 12, the position and velocity obtained from least squares is propagated backwards in time to the Segment 6 timestamp. All of these points along the trajectory as well as the original point from the TRACE estimated trajectory are used in a way similar to the method of using a sigma point filter. Specifically, the mean and covariance of the position and velocity values are used to sample a Gaussian distribution. This distribution will serve as the first iteration of the candidate locations for DPE. There were a total of three iteration steps and at each iteration the range of clock bias values over which to search was refined from a spacing of 1,000 meters, 100 meters, and 10 meters. Also on the third iteration, the sampled Gaussian distribution was resampled with 1,000 times the covariance matrix values in the directions perpendicular to the direction to Earth. This was done to gain better insight into the GPS satellites that were contributing to the DPE solution.


Figure 8 shows the correlation peaks for each of the signals reported to be detected using a 15-millisecond non-coherent integration time within the DPE acquisition. Satellite PRNs 4, 16 and 19 are clearly detected. Satellite PRN 29 is less obviously detected, but the maximum correlation value is associated with the reported detected frequency. However, this is the peak detected frequency only if the Doppler search band is narrowly selected around the reported detected frequency. Similarly, while the peak code delay shows a clear acquisition peak for PRNs 4, 16 and 19, for PRN 29 the peak value for code delay is more ambiguous with many peaks of similar magnitude of correlation power. Figure 8 depicts the regions around the max peak correlation chip delay.

Figure 8: Acquisition peak in frequency (left) and time (right) for PRN 4, 16, 19 and 29. The correlograms are centered on the frequency predicted from the range rate calculated along the trajectory.

Figure 8: Acquisition peak in frequency (left) and time (right) for PRN 4, 16, 19 and 29. The correlograms are centered on the frequency predicted from the range rate calculated along the trajectory.

For the first iteration of DPE, the peak coordinated acquisition values for PRN 16 and PRN 4 are chosen for the solution space. From the corresponding spatial correlogram, the chosen candidate solution is roughly 44 kilometers away from the original position estimated using TRACE.
For the second iteration of DPE, the clock bias is refined to search over a 100-meter spacing. The peak values for PRN 16 and PRN 19 are chosen for the solution space and the chosen candidate solution is roughly 38 kilometers away from the original position estimated using TRACE.
For the final iteration, Figures 9 and 10 depict the solutions with the 10-meter clock bias spacing and the approach of spreading the search space over the dimension perpendicular to the direction of Earth. Again, this was done to illustrate how the peak correlations appear to be drawing close to a single intersection location. However, the results fall short of the type of results shown in the spatial correlogram previously depicted in Figure 2 when many satellite signals were detected.

Figure 9: Acquisition peaks plotted in the time domain with the candidate location chosen at the location of the vertical black line for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of the DPE method.

Figure 9: Acquisition peaks plotted in the time domain with the candidate location chosen at the location of the vertical black line for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of the DPE method.

Figure 10: Spatial correlogram with the candidate location chosen at the location of the black circle for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of DPE method. The original TRACE-estimated position is indicated by a red circle. The two positions are approximately 28 kilometers apart.

Figure 10: Spatial correlogram with the candidate location chosen at the location of the black circle for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of DPE method. The original TRACE-estimated position is indicated by a red circle. The two positions are approximately 28 kilometers apart.

A similar iterative method was followed using not just the four detected PRNs, but any satellite that was predicted to be visible with the relaxed criteria allowing for visibility based on receiving signals from the first and second sidelobes of the antenna. This is predicted using a larger 40° away from the GPS antenna boresight criterion. The final spatial correlogram (Figure 11) shows similar results to the intersections shown in Figure 10. However, there is potentially another PRN shown with a peak contribution near the original intersection point. These results are somewhat inconclusive and will need to be investigated further.

Figure 11: Spatial correlogram with the candidate location chosen at the location of the black circle for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of DPE method using additional satellites. The original TRACE-estimated position is indicated by a red circle. The two positions are approximately 24 kilometers apart.

Figure 11: Spatial correlogram with the candidate location chosen at the location of the black circle for the detected PRNs for the third iteration of DPE method using additional satellites. The original TRACE-estimated position is indicated by a red circle. The two positions are approximately 24 kilometers apart.


Our research investigated the DPE approach of positioning beyond the GNSS constellations using real data. We will further investigate ways to parameterize our estimated orbit for use within a DPE algorithm in conjunction with other orbit determination techniques (such as filtering) as our results were promising but inconclusive. Some additional methods that may aid in this research include investigating the use of precise SP3 orbit files over the navigation message currently used (BRDC) within our DPE approach. Also, some additional work will need to be completed in determining the possibility of time tagging issues that could result in discrepancies and formulating additional methods related to visibility prediction that could aid in partitioning the search space. Additionally, we plan to investigate other segments where few signals were detected, but where more satellites are predicted to be visible (a better test of DPE). Finally, using full 40-millisecond data segments rather than the 15 milliseconds used to date may provide the additional signal strength needed to give more conclusive results.


This article is based on the paper “Direct Positioning Estimation Beyond the Constellation Using Falcon Gold Data Collected on Highly Elliptical Orbit” presented at ION ITM 2023, the 2023 International Technical Meeting of the Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, January 23–26, 2023.

KIRSTEN STRANDJORD is an assistant professor in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Minnesota. She received her Ph.D. in aerospace engineering sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder.

FAITH CORNISH is a graduate student in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Minnesota.