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New GPS SPS Performance Standard released

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The U.S. Air Force has released the 5th Edition of the GPS Standard Positioning System (SPS) Performance Standard (PS), according to U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC).

With final signature by the U.S. Department of Defense, the standard was cleared for public release on April 16. This is the first update to the SPS PS since 2008 and, for the first time, includes pre-Initial Operating Capability (IOC) performance standards for new civil GPS signals L2C and L5, in addition to L1 C/A.

The SPS PS specifies the levels of SPS performance in terms of broadcast signal parameters and GPS constellation design. According to NAVCEN, the U.S. government is committed to meeting and exceeding the minimum levels of service specified in the SPS PS.

The document can be found at the NAVCEN website and at GPS.gov.

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