Artist’s concept of one of the eight CYGNSS satellites in orbit. (Image: NASA/University of Michigan)
Since Nov. 26, NASA’s Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) team has not been able to make contact with one of the eight CYGNSS spacecraft, FM06.
The team is still working to acquire a signal and establish a connection.
The other seven spacecraft continue to operate normally and have been collecting science measurements since the FM06 anomaly.
CYGNSS is a constellation of eight small satellites taking measurements of ocean surface winds in and near the eye of the storm throughout the lifecycle of tropical cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes.
If the team isn’t able to reestablish contact, loss of the FM06 satellite would primarily affect the constellation’s spatial coverage. However, the CYGNSS constellation can continue to meet its scientific requirements and objectives.
CYGNSS was launched Dec. 15, 2016, and completed its prime mission science objectives on March 19, 2019. It has been operating in extended mission status since then.