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Hi-Target launches GNSS/IMU RTK receiver for the field

Photo: Hi-Target

Photo: Hi-Target

Hi-Target has introduce a new GNSS receiver, the V200. The V200 is a GNSS RTK receiver with an integrated nine-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU). The receiver is designed to provide superior performance and high-efficiency to support fieldwork with reliable solutions.

The advanced RTK engine and new-generation nine-axis IMU guarantees a 25% performance improvement over the company’s previous V100 model, even in demanding environments. It is designed to be easy to use and carry.

A smart Hi-Fix function supports the receiver to increase stability. Hi-Fix enables continuous connectivity and quality results even if the signal is lost while using an RTK base station or VRS network under extreme circumstances.

Advanced RTK Technology features

Convenient Features

The V200 nine-axis IMU GNSS RTK receiver represents a step forward in the development of GNSS receivers towards miniaturization, according to maker Hi-Target.

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