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First development kits available for Septentrio’s mosaic GNSS module

Septentrio’s Mosaic chip-level GNSS. (Photo: Septentrio)

Septentrio’s mosaic chip-level GNSS. (Photo: Septentrio)

Septentrio has announced that its mosaic development kit is available for testing and integration.

Mosaic is Septentrio’s most compact next-generation, high-precision multi-frequency GPS/GNSS module. Tbe receiver brings precision and reliability of high-end multi-frequency GNSS to mass-market applications. It is designed to fit into the assembly-line process, which allows mosaic to be favorably priced for high volumes.

Its lightweight and low power consumption helps extend the battery life of robotic devices, increasing operation time and efficiency. This makes mosaic suitable for applications such as robotics, automation, telematics and wearables.

“We see a growing demand for reliable high-precision positioning,” said Chris Lowet, product manager at Septentrio. “A few years ago, this demand was concentrated in professional applications, for example survey, high-precision mapping and machine control. Today, with expansion of robotics, automation and IoT, a wide range of devices need high-precision positioning, from ag robots to IoT gateways to autonomous vehicles. We designed mosaic to answer these market needs.”

Highlights of mosaic include:

The development kit assists Septentrio customers with integrating mosaic into their system. It supports connectivity through internet, COM ports, USB 2.0 as well as an SD Card slot. The development kit can be requested here.

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