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Finalists announced in MyGalileoApp competition

Ten projects in the MyGalileoApp competition have been named finalists.

Out of a shortlist of 30 semi-finalists, the 10 were judged to be the most exciting in terms of innovation, market potential and technical feasibility.

The 10 projects will now advance to the second development phase, at the end of which they should deliver a fully functioning app.

The STPR augmented reality app. (Screenshots: GSA)

Four of the 10 shortlisted projects are in the Augmented Reality and Games innovation area:

Apps in the smart navigation and Infotainment innovation area include:

Two of the shortlisted projects fall in the Fitness, Sport and mHealth category.

One app is in the Mapping, GIS and Agriculture innovation area.

The 10 projects have until Oct. 21 to deliver a finalized version of their app with 100% functionality. During this phase, the teams can receive technical support from the competition’s technical and business advisory team. At the end of the phase, the application should be already available for download on the Google Play and Apple platforms.

“The standard of entry in this year’s competition was very high, which made the judges’ task a difficult one. However, the final 10 projects stood out in terms of their innovative approach and uptake potential and we are looking forward to seeing the final working apps in October,” said Justyna Redelkiewicz Musial, in charge of LBS and IoT market development at the European GNSS Agency (GSA). “We hope that the 20 projects that didn’t make it into the second development phase will continue to develop their apps because, at the finals, they will also have the opportunity to demonstrate the progress that they have made,” she said.

All teams that will successfully complete the second development phase will be invited to the finals in November, where they will present their application to the GSA evaluation board.

The awards will be decided after these presentations, with the first-place winner receiving a EUR 100,000 prize. The runner up and third place winners will receive EUR 50,000 and EUR 30,000 respectively.

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