Mätfokus – Maetfokus

Europe’s Project NAV-SSHE to demo GNSS + 5G for critical applications

NAV-SSHE logoThe Navigation Sensor Switching in Hostile Environments (NAV-SSHE) project aims to design, prototype and demonstrate new solutions for positioning, navigation and timing using 5G plus GNSS for critical applications in hostile environments. NAV-SSHE is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Geolocation company M3 Systems Belgium is taking part in the project in collaboration with Telespazio Belgium. The project began in September 2021 and will last until January 2023.

In the context of NAV-SSHE, M3 Systems Belgium will implement both a GNSS and a 5G signal based on positioning engines. The output of both engines will be fused to provide a unique solution with increased robustness.

The complete system will be demonstrated on two real-use cases:

The demonstrations will also be used to test potential use of these technologies for drone applications — specifically for the navigation system of the autonomous remotely piloted aircraft Boreal.

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