Mätfokus – Maetfokus

Editorial Advisory Board Q&A: Public or private sector?

All four current GNSS and two regional systems have been built and are operated by public agencies. Many correction services and complementary PNT services are operated by private companies. 

Going forward, what do you expect the division of labor to be between the public and private sectors in building and maintaining PNT capabilities? What should it be?

Ellen Hall

“The space race was championed by governments. Space travel, communications and other technologies were born from government exploration into space. Today we see many private companies engaged in space. Several are intent on supplementing GNSS navigation, and some envision competing. Private companies have a way to go if they plan to compete with systems like GPS, but competition is often at the center of innovation and may benefit everyone.”
— Ellen Hall
Spirent Federal Systems 

Jules McNeff

“GNSS and regional systems are established and sustained to meet the needs of the governments and public agencies that operate them. They cover wide areas and provide services to extremely diverse user communities at levels of performance based on resources that are justified by user requirements and limited by technical affordability. When the global/regional service levels don’t meet the needs of a particular user group or require backup for security, the opportunity is opened for other agencies or private companies to create augmentations and complements to meet the additional needs. The mix is variable and will be determined by the user groups and the market.”
— Jules McNeff
Overlook Systems Technologies 

F. Michael Swiek

“There is really no single ‘correct’ answer or specific division of labor between public- and private-sector entities in GNSS. The situation we see today is the result of decades of constructive and successful ad hoc evolution of roles among and between public- and private-sector entities. Public agencies are better suited to provide foundation technologies and infrastructure due to the large costs and long timelines associated with establishing the constellations and maintaining stable and consistent service. The private sector is better positioned to provide variety and timely flexibility in developing innovative solutions to the broad range of constantly emerging user requirements across all market segments. This unofficial and continually evolving division of labor has worked successfully and continues to adapt to the evolving world of PNT.”
—Michael Swiek
GPS Alliance

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