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Editorial Advisory Board PNT Q&A: The benefits of 5G for GPS

How will widespread deployment of 5G most benefit GNSS?

Greg Turetsky

“The connectivity options that widespread 5G offer will accelerate multiple GNSS benefits. The high bandwidth is starting to encourage many into the RTK domain, but I think the bigger opportunity may come from the low power versions that enable IoT applications. The combination of the ubiquity of cellular connectivity with the low power of NB-IoT could truly accelerate the real time asset management sector all the way down to the package/pallet level.”
— Greg Turetzky

Allison Brown

“Widespread deployment and adoption of 5G is likely to continue to increase the demand for spectrum as broadband access continues to expand. The recent FCC decision allowing Ligado to operate terrestrial networks in bands near GPS is likely not the last decision that will result from this increasing demand. It is not clear to me that 5G deployment will ‘benefit’ GNSS and chipset vendors may need to prioritize developing products that have improved robustness in the presence of nearby interference.”
— Alison Brown

Miguel Amor

“The benefit of 5G will be seen in the long term, when 5G ranging capability is available. Hybrid positioning algorithms using both 5G and GNSS observations will provide significant positioning benefits in challenging urban environments and seamless navigation between indoor and outdoor environments. Applications across markets will see the benefits of hybrid 5G and GNSS navigation, but the real advantage lies in how this hybrid will enable the future of autonomous mobility. We will see both technologies working closer together to deliver a seamless and ubiquitous positioning solution.”
— Miguel Amor

Mitch Narins

“Like communications, the ability to precisely and securely position and navigate is an essential part of 21st century life. Together they must support both critical and non-critical operations. This requires finding a common understanding of spectrum needs and how to have the best of both. In the long run, end runs by either side may achieve myopic goals but will damage society. The problem is crying out for an enterprise-level systems engineering leadership that can plot our future spectrum course. Else, the push for spectrum will continue, fueled by ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ and often a lack of understanding of the importance of other spectrum uses.”
— Mitch Narins

KENGKAT/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

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