On January 16th, we launched the largest crowd-funding call for QGIS.ORG so far. Our goal was to increase sustaining membership contributions and bring the total member contributions up to €200k. And today, we are happy to announce that, thanks to all our new and returning sustaining members, we have succeeded and even exceeded our goal: raising a total of €206.5k in contributions for 2023.
In total, 42 new sustaining members have answered our call – these are in addition to already existing sustaining members, who started their memberships in previous years – some of them already many years in a row.
We are particularly happy that we are able to welcome our new and first Flagship sustaining member Felt.
A huge thank you also goes to our returning sustaining member, the Office of Public Works (Ireland) who have increased their contribution to the large membership level.

We are also delighted to welcome seven new medium sustaining members, including the first two university institutes supporting us on this level:
- Institut Dr. Nowak GmbH, Germany
- Bohannan Huston, New Mexico, USA
- University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Switzerland
- Idrostudi srl, Italy
- ETH Zurich, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, Switzerland
- IC Infraconsult AG, Switzerland
- BBOÖ Breitband Oberösterreich GmbH, Austria
And finally, our thanks go out to the stunning 33 new small sustaining members from all over the world:
- Pacific Geomatics Limited, Canada
- Helix Resources Limited, Australia
- Sand Hill Geographic, Virginia, United States
- GIS Pro Western Australia
- The Spatial Distillery Company, Victoria, Australia
- Qwast-GIS, The Netherlands
- CEICOL, Colombia
- QGIS user group Norway
- Robex resources, Quebec, Canada
- analyGIS GmbH, Switzerland
- CartoExpert, France
- addresscloud, UK
- Baugeologie und Geo-Bau-Labor AG, Switzerland
- Spatial Thoughts LLP, India
- Centremaps, UK
- Geoideal, Colombia
- theworksLA, California, United States
- SoftWater s.r.l., Italy
- menz umweltplanung, Germany
- Oy Arbonaut Ltd, Finland
- ZevRoss Spatial Analysis, New York, United States
- Ecophylla Consulting, Ontario, Canada
- DeBeer&DeVos BV, Belgium
- Reuther NetConsulting, Germany
- H13, Denmark
- Rockwater Pty Ltd, Australia
- BGU Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR, Germany
- Julie’s Data, Ukraine
- LökPlan Conze & Cordes GbR, Germany
- OSGeo Oceania, Australia
- b-data GmbH, Switzerland
- PMA (Property Market Analysis LLP), UK
- ROBVQ (Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec), Canada