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CHC Navigation introduces the NX510 Pro Auto Steer

High accuracy and economical steering solution for most tractors in any field type



CHC Navigation (CHCNAV) has released the NX510 Pro, a high-accuracy automated steering system designed for tillage, seeding, fertilization, pesticide application, and harvesting. With a steering controller and full GNSS RTK capability, the NX510 Pro can be quickly and easily mounted to various types of tractors and other farming vehicles to achieve ±2.5 cm pass-to-pass accuracy.

“The NX510 PRO is the new generation’s auto-steering system, engineered to dramatically reduce installation time, simplify daily operations and increase the productivity of farms of all sizes,” said Yorke Tang, product manager of CHCNAV’s Precision Agriculture division. He said the NX510 Pro allows farmers to afford a high-performance yet affordable auto-steer kit to retrofit their tractors to optimize their work, reduce input costs and fuel consumption, and meet the main goals of sustainable agriculture:

Installation of the NX510 Pro auto-steering system to a tractor. (Photo: CHCNAV)

Installation of the NX510 Pro auto-steering system to a tractor. (Photo: CHCNAV)

Quick installation. NX510 PRO takes less than one hour from installation start to operator use. The entire system can be installed in 30 minutes and calibrated in about 15 minutes, significantly reducing downtime costs in the field.

The intuitive AgNav software controls operations. It supports multiple guidance patterns to fit field layouts, including Straight AB line, A+ line, circle line, irregular curve and headland turn. It eliminates steering errors and overlapping passes on the field. The AgNav software also features real-time remote technical support from the local dealer’s help desk.

Powered by local, network or satellite-based RTK corrections, the GNSS+INS terrain compensation technology ensures ±2.5 cm hands-free accuracy on any terrain. The advanced controller ensures full RTK accuracy in seconds, provides smooth auto-steering and ensures repeatable long-term accuracy.

The CHCNAV NX510 Pro is now available worldwide.

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