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Bentley Systems’ ‘Year in Infrastructure’ 2020 conference goes digital

Bentley Systems‘ Year in Infrastructure 2020 conference will be hosted in a digital format.

The virtual Year in Infrastructure 2020 conference will provide complimentary access to a wide range of content relevant to infrastructure professionals in every role and at every phase of the infrastructure lifecycle, the company said.

Highlights of the 2020 conference will include the Year in Infrastructure 2020 awards finalists’ presentations, which will be held Oct. 5-16; the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Executive Perspectives, which will be held Oct. 20-21; a TwinTalks premier on Oct. 20; the Year in Infrastructure 2020 awards ceremony on Oct. 21; and Accelerate Sessions, which will take place Oct. 27 and beyond.

During the Executive Perspectives session, Bentley Systems CEO Greg Bentley will be joined joined by leading infrastructure executives for an interactive discussion on the resilience challenges they face and how to meet those challenges through digital advancement. In addition, Bentley Systems Founder and Chief Technology Officer Keith Bentley will discuss the company’s open strategy for digital twins.

The TwinTalks will feature leading industry figures as they discuss the implications of digital twins for digital cities, design and construction, digital plants, energy utilities, rail and transit, and roads and bridges.

The Accelerate sessions will feature Bentley product executives, including Dustin Parkman (project delivery), Robert Mankowski (digital cities), Ken Adamson (design integration), and Alan Kiraly (asset and network performance), as they and their leadership teams review the latest advancements in Bentley applications and cloud services.

Bentley Systems, headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania, provides comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction and operations of infrastructure.

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