ARPAS-UK — the Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems UK — is requesting the nation’s drone operators to let them know whether they could help fight the battle against coronavirus.
“We are aware there are thousands of Commercial Drone Operators out there; we may need your help,” ARPAS-UK said in a statement to the drone industry.
ARPAS-UK said it is “working hard to push the capabilities of the drone industry and making sure that government departments are reminded of the expertise and capabilities of the drone community in the UK.”
ARPAS-UK is especially targeting relief for emergency services, as well as delivery of emergency food and medicine to vulnerable people, spraying of disinfectant, and collection of imagery and video to help monitor various situations.
Current activities that could be expanded include vital inspections necessary to keep infrastructure running or maintain safety, such as monitoring following floods or environmental activity, and monitoring gas levels on sites.
ARPAS-UK is creating a secure database of the information that will be destroyed when no longer required. To fill out a form for the database, visit this page.