Deadline for manuscript submissions is Dec. 30. Full instructions are available on the special issue website.
The goal of the special issue is to highlight recent developments in high-precision GNSS positioning models, algorithms and applications. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- multi-GNSS multi-frequency PPP, RTK, PPP-RTK models and algorithms, making use of high-grade and low-cost equipment
- quality characterization of smartphone GNSS observations
- functional and stochastic models for multi-GNSS precise positioning with smartphones
- characterization and handling of multi-GNSS inter-system and inter-/intra-frequency code and phase biases
- ionospheric and tropospheric modeling
- carrier-phase ambiguity resolution
- GNSS-LEO observation modeling and integration
- integrity monitoring
- GNSS-based lunar navigation
- satellite orbit dynamics.
Special-issue editors are Safoora Zaminpardaz and Dimitrios Psychas.