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Applanix joins with NOAA on hurricane assessment imagery

Hurricane Ida assessment imagery and data are now available. Ida was a Category 4 Atlantic hurricane from Aug. 26 to Sep. 4. (Screenshot: NOAA)

Hurricane Ida assessment imagery and data are now available. Ida was a Category 4 Atlantic hurricane from Aug. 26 to Sep. 4. (Screenshot: NOAA)

Applanix, a Trimble Company, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have collaborated to provide critical information to first responders in the wake of Hurricanes Henri and Ida.

Applanix’s high-accuracy direct georeferencing (DG) technology enabled NOAA to quickly collect aerial mapping imagery to

  1. provide valuable disaster remediation information to first responders
  2. demonstrate the value of mapping technology in preparing for and responding to emergency situations such as hurricanes, tornadoes and other disasters.

Within hours of Hurricanes Henri and Ida making landfall, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey collected post-storm imagery using the latest generation Digital Sensor System (DSS). The sixth-generation DSS, designed and manufactured for Applanix by Lead’Air, is the most powerful to date, thanks to several new features introduced within the solution:

Applanix’s DG technology suite provides direct GNSS inertial georeferencing, meaning that all pixels in the aerial images taken by NOAA are mapped at their exact location on the ground.

“We have worked with Applanix for nearly 20 years,” said Michael L. Aslaksen Jr., chief of the remote-sensing division, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey. “The level of sophistication they bring to aerial imagery and mapping keeps our team at the forefront of the industry. Their customer support team is always open to new ideas, new innovations and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.”

First responders have access to this imagery and mapping within 24 hours via the cloud (as does anyone at storms.ngs.noaa.gov) and can map detailed response plans based on highly accurate data highlighting where the greatest need lies.

Access to this turnkey emergency response imagery is available to any federal agency, municipality, insurance company or other entity that depends on highly accurate information to plan for and recover from disasters.

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